Gatsby Vocab Chpt. 2-3
Quiz by Andrew Bendelow
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10 questions
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- Q1In "he added on his own initiative a tin of large hard dog biscuits--one of which decomposed APATHETICALLY in the saucer of milk all afternoon..." APATHETICALLY means...beyond reasonable limitswith great speedmarked by a lack of interesttotally, absolutely30s
- Q2In "He smiled with jovial CONDESCENSION...," CONDESCENSION meansan attitude of patronizing superiority; disdainfull of our showing high-spirited merrimentthe quality of being similar or comparablethe trait of spending exhorbitantly30s
- Q3In "... when I asked her she laughed IMMODERATELY, repeated my question aloud and told me she lived with a girl friend at a hotel," IMMODERATELY meansbeyond reasonable limitsin a way that lacks spirit or livelinessmarked by a lack of interestvery modestly; discretely20s
- Q4In "His wife was shrill, LANGUID, handsome and horrible," LANGUID meansmarked by conspicuous displaylacking spirit or livelinessmarked by a lack of interestextremely slow30s
- Q5In "...a harsh DISCORDANT din from those in the rear had been audible for some time ..." DISCORDANT meansoccupied with or fond of the pleasures of good companydeplorable; unfortunatevacuous; devoid of intelligencelacking in harmony30s
- Q6In "He smiled with JOVIAL condescension...," JOVIAL meansmarked by uncertaintydisdainful of others; haughtyfull of or showing high-spirited merrimentlacking spirit or liveliness30s
- Q7In "Even Jordan's party, the quartet from East Egg, were rent asunder by DISSENSION," DISSENSION meansa destructive actionthe quality of being similar or comparablea conflict of people's opinions or actionsthe trait of spending exhorbitantly30s
- Q8In "...the halls and salons and verandas are GAUDY with primary colors...," GAUDY meansmarked by a lack of interestlacking in harmonymarked by conspicuous displaylacking spirit or liveliness30s
- Q9In "Instead of rambling this party had preserved a dignified HOMOGENEITY," HOMOGENEITY meansan attitude of patronizing superiority; disdainthe quality of being similar or comparablethe quality of being different or contrastablea conflict of people's opinions or actions30s
- Q10In "...happy VACUOUS bursts of laughter rose toward the summer sky," VACUOUS meansempty; devoid of intelligencecharacterized by dignity and proprietycharacterized by spirit or livelinessfull of or showing high-spirited merriment30s