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Quiz by hua gos

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34 questions
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  • Q1
    Which country tops the list of the United Nations Development Program as a model of human development?
    D Norway
    B Japan
    A United States of America
    C South Korea
  • Q2
    During which month does the highest number of deaths occur in the Philippines?
    C December
    D August
    B January
    A May
  • Q3
    What type of landscape is inspired by famous film locations like Hogwarts and Middle Earth?
    A pop culture
    B wizardry
    C fantasy geography
    D sacred space
  • Q4
    Which landscape serves as a laboratory for oceanographers, climatologists, hydrologists, and biogeographers?
    C Sahara
    D Siberia
    B Andes
    A Mount Everest
  • Q5
    Which city in the Philippines is considered the center of trade and finance?
    C Cebu City
    D Davao City
    A Quezon City
    B Manila
  • Q6
    Which region in the Philippines is known as a source of coconut, pili nut, and abaca?
    B Visayas
    A Luzon
    D Mindanao
    C Bicol
  • Q7
    Which continent was the last to be populated by prehistoric people, according to the Out of Africa Theory?
    B Europe
    C Americas
    A Asia
    D Antarctica
  • Q8
    Which is not an example of a sacred space?
    C brothels
    D monasteries
    A symmetries
    B churches
  • Q9
    The presence of multinational corporation signages and logos in the Philippine landscape is a manifestation of:
    B globalization
    C colonization
    A cultural hegemony
    D imperialism
  • Q10
    Which body of water was recently renamed as the West Philippine Sea by the Philippine government?
    C Sulu Sea
    B South China Sea
    A Pacific Ocean
    D Philippine Sea
  • Q11
    Which crop does Davao province rank first in production in Mindanao?
    D abaca
    A banana
    C coffee
    B orchids
  • Q12
    On which city was the first atomic bomb dropped by the United States in 1945?
    A Berlin
    D Paris
    C Hiroshima
    B London
  • Q13
    Which province in the Philippines has an underground river, green surroundings, and white beaches?
    A Palawan
    C Davao Oriental
    B Mindoro
    D Bohol
  • Q14
    When the British colony of India became independent in 1947, which new nation was split into two parts due to its Islamic belief?
    B Pakistan
    D Sri Lanka
    A India
    C Nepal
  • Q15
    Which civilization was made possible by being situated between the two rivers of Tigress and Euphrates?
    A Amazon Nile
    B Ganges Brahmaputra
    D Niger Congo
    C Tigris Euphrates

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