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Geometry Ch 2.3: Law of Detachment and Syllogism

Quiz by Lesley

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    Law of _________________________ is used when you have a conditional statement and another statement that matches the hypothesis (the part following if) of the conditional. The conclusion is the conclusion (second part) of the conditional. 1. If p, then q 2. p -- Therefore, q
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  • Q2
    Law of __________________is used when you have two conditionals and the hypothesis of one matches the conclusion of the other. If p, then q If q, then r -- Therefore if p, then r
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  • Q3
    If 2x + 3 = 17, then x = 7 2x + 3 = 17 Conclusion: x = 7 Is an example of the law of _______________.
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  • Q4
    If I go on vacation, I’ll spend money. If I spend money, I’ll be broke. If I’m broke, I’ll have to get another job. Conclusion: If I go on vacation, then I’ll have to get another job. Is an example of the Law of ____________________.
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  • Q5
    If Joan goes out with David, then she will have a fun time Saturday night. Joan had a fun time Saturday night. What is a valid conclusion?
    They broke up.
    Joan went out with David.
    Joan went to Disney World.
    Nothing, the statement doesn't match the hypothesis.
  • Q6
    If I pass geometry, I won’t have to go to summer school. If I don’t go to summer school, I’ll get a job. If I get a job, I’ll make money. What is a valid conclusion using the Law of Syllogism?
    If I go to summer school, then I won't get a job.
    If I pass geometry, then I'll go to summer school.
    If I pass geometry, then I'll make money.
    If I pass the class, then I'll get a job.
  • Q7
    If Chris is a sophomore, he takes English II. Chris is a sophomore. What is a valid conclusion using the Law of Detachment?
    Chris takes English II
    No valid conclusion.
    Chris is a senior.
    Chris takes Spanish.
  • Q8
    Put the statements in order. If the conclusion should be It it's a sunny Saturday, then I'll get a sunburn.
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