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Government Budget

Quiz by Chetna Thakkar

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    1. What is a government budget?
    b) A plan for the borrowing and lending by the government
    d) A statement of the government's monetary policy
    a) An annual statement of the government's receipts and expenditures
    c) A plan for the distribution of wealth among citizens
  • Q2
    2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the government budget?
    c) Trade Budget
    b) Capital Budget
    a) Revenue Budget
    d) Finance Budget
  • Q3
    3. What is a fiscal deficit?
    a) The excess of total expenditure over total receipts excluding borrowings
    d) The excess of total expenditure over total revenue
    c) The excess of revenue expenditure over revenue receipts
    b) The excess of total revenue over total expenditure
  • Q4
    4.Which of the following is an example of a direct tax?
    c) Income Tax
    d) Sales Tax
    b) Customs Duty
    a) Goods and Services Tax (GST)
  • Q5
    5. What is the primary objective of the government budget?
    c) To allocate resources
    b) To increase government spending
    d) To increase taxes
    a) To control inflation
  • Q6
    6. Which of the following is considered a capital receipt?
    b) Interest received
    a) Taxes
    c) Borrowings
    d) Grants
  • Q7
    7. What is revenue expenditure?
    d) Expenditure on investment
    c) Expenditure on loan repayments
    a) Expenditure on acquiring assets
    b) Expenditure on day-to-day running of the government
  • Q8
    8. What is the difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure known as?
    b) Primary Deficit
    d) Budget Deficit
    c) Revenue Deficit
    a) Fiscal Deficit
  • Q9
    9. Which of the following is a non-tax revenue receipt?
    a) Corporate tax
    d) Excise duties
    b) Custom duties
    c) Dividends from public enterprises
  • Q10
    10. Which of the following is NOT a part of the capital budget?
    a) Loans and advances granted
    c) Salaries of government employees
    b) Disinvestment proceeds
    d) Expenditure on infrastructure
  • Q11
    11. What does a balanced budget imply?
    a) Total expenditure exceeds total receipts
    b) Total receipts exceed total expenditure
    c) Total expenditure equals total receipts
    d) None of the above
  • Q12
    12. Which of the following is an example of capital expenditure?
    d) Pension payments
    a) Interest payments
    c) Construction of a school
    b) Subsidies
  • Q13
    13. What is a primary deficit?
    c) Total expenditure minus total receipts
    d) Fiscal deficit plus interest payments
    a) Fiscal deficit minus interest payments
    b) Revenue deficit minus capital expenditure
  • Q14
    14. Which body is responsible for the preparation of the Union Budget in India?
    a) Reserve Bank of India
    d) Comptroller and Auditor General
    c) Ministry of Finance
    b) Planning Commission
  • Q15
    15. Which of the following best describes 'public debt'?
    a) Total amount borrowed by the government
    d) Total expenditure by the government
    c) Total revenue collected by the government
    b) Total amount lent by the government

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