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Government Final Review

Quiz by Micheal Rubosky

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107 questions
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  • Q1
    A government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments
    federal system of government
  • Q2
    A government in which a constitution has authority to place clearly recognized limits on the powers of those who govern
    constitutional government
  • Q3
    An institution through which leaders exercise power to make and enforce laws affecting the people under its control
  • Q4
    Certain people are chosen by a god or gods to rule
    Divine Right Theory
  • Q5
    States emerged when people needed to cooperate to survive but could become organized only when one or more people took control
    Force Theory
  • Q6
    The notion of the state evolved from family
    Evolutionary Theory
  • Q7
    Derive their powers from the consent of the governed
    The Declaration of Independence states that government
  • Q8
    States exist to protect and serve the people
    Social Contract Theory
  • Q9
    Believed that people are born selfish and need a strong central authority. Stated that without government humans live in a state of nature where they are naturally wicked. The people agreed to surrender their freedom to the state for protection and order
    Thomas Hobbes
  • Q10
    English philosopher who advocated the idea of a "social contract" in which government powers are derived from the consent of the governed and in which the government serves the people; also said people have natural rights to life, liberty and property.
    John Locke
  • Q11
    Believed property rights and other basic rights came from people working together and that people created a social contract by working together to preserve these rights while establishing a government.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Q12
    Government gives all key powers to the central government
    Unitary System
  • Q13
    a loose union of independent and sovereign states
    Confederate System
  • Q14
    The government divides powers of government between the national and state or provincial government
    Federal system
  • Q15
    A plan that provides the rules for the government

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