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Grade 12 Quizz

Quiz by Sanele Nkosi

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20 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the main function of an operating system?
    To perform calculations
    To control computer software only
    To control computer hardware only
    To manage computer hardware and software resources
    To provide internet access
  • Q2
    What is the purpose of a compiler in software development?
    To manage database systems
    To test software applications
    To translate source code into machine code
    To create user interfaces
    To debug software programs
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of a firewall in network security?
    To control computer hardware and software resources
    To provide internet connectivity
    To store files and data permanently
    To process and execute instructions
    To monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic
  • Q4
    What is the purpose of an IP address?
    To establish a Wi-Fi connection.
    To identify and locate devices on a network.
    To encrypt data transmissions.
    To route data packets efficiently.
  • Q5
    What is a router used for in networking?
    To convert IP addresses to domain names.
    To encrypt network traffic.
    To forward data packets between computer networks.
    To provide power to network devices.
  • Q6
    What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
    TCP is a connectionless protocol, while UDP is a connection-oriented protocol.
    TCP is used for wireless connections, while UDP is used for wired connections.
    TCP provides reliable and ordered delivery of data, while UDP offers faster but potentially unreliable delivery.
    TCP ensures secure encryption of data, while UDP does not encrypt data.
  • Q7
    What is a VPN?
    A wireless network protocol used for connecting devices.
    A protocol used to transmit data between network devices.
    A physical cable used to connect devices in a local area network.
    A Virtual Private Network that provides secure and private access to a network over the internet.
  • Q8
    What is the purpose of a default gateway in networking?
    To filter incoming network traffic.
    To provide DNS resolution.
    To assign IP addresses to devices.
    To route network traffic between different networks.
  • Q9
    What is encapsulation?
    The process of changing the state of an object.
    The process of hiding data to restrict direct access to it.
    The bundling of data and the methods that operate on that data into a single unit.
    The process of defining the behavior of an object.
  • Q10
    What is inheritance in class design?
    The process of modifying the behavior of an existing class.
    The ability for one class to inherit properties and methods from another class.
    The process of creating multiple instances of a class.
    The process of wrapping data and methods into a single unit.
  • Q11
    What is the purpose of a constructor in a JAVA class?
    To declare methods in the class
    To inherit from a parent class
    To define class variables
    To initialize an object of the class
  • Q12
    What is the access modifier used to declare a member of a JAVA class that is accessible only within the same class?
  • Q13
    What is the purpose of the 'static' keyword in a JAVA class?
    To create an instance of a class
    To define a class-level variable or method
    To define a local variable
    To make a variable constant
  • Q14
    What is the purpose of inheritance in JAVA?
    To establish a parent-child relationship between classes
    To override methods in a class
    To encapsulate data and behavior
    To create multiple instances of a class
  • Q15
    What is the purpose of the 'extends' keyword in JAVA?
    To implement an interface
    To establish inheritance between classes
    To define a superclass
    To declare a static method

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