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10 questions
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  • Q1
    what is a verb
    a pronoun that performs a verb
    a noun that is not clear
    a form of adverbial clause
    a word that shows action or a state of being
  • Q2
    what is a subject
    a dong word
    a word that shows no motion
    a form of preposition
    the noun or pronoun that performs the verb
  • Q3
    what is a pronoun
    a word that takes the pace of a noun
    it is a preposition
    a word that has no state
    a word that is linked to a subject
  • Q4
    what is an adjective
    a word that describes a noun or pronoun
    a word that begins a sentence
    a form of punctuation mark
    a word that shows a state of being
  • Q5
    what is an adverb
    a modification of a verb
    a word that modifies everything except for nouns and pronouns
    another form of a verb
    a verb with a clause
  • Q6
    what is a subject morpheme
    a word that takes the place of a subject in a sentence
    a modification of a subject
    a subject without a punctuation
    a verbal prefix which represents a subject in a verb
  • Q7
    what is a root
    a part of the word that remains constant or unchanged throughout the word group
    the beginning of a word
    the end part of a word
    a part of a word
  • Q8
    what is a locative noun
    a noun that is derived from a basic noun
    a noun that can easily be located
    a word without any location
    a noun in a location
  • Q9
    what is a suffix
    it is a fixed term of a word
    it is what fixes words in a sentence
    it is the beginning part of a word
    it is the end part of a word
  • Q10
    what is a prefix
    a fixing part of a sentence
    it is a prefaced fixer in a sentence
    it is what comes before fix
    the beginning part of a word

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