Grand test-3 (Test9)
Quiz by suraj kapoor
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- Q1
Wrong about Reference male/ female
BMI= 20.75 kg /m2 for male
Age 19-39 years
Weight 50 kg for female
8 hrs of occupational activity
30s - Q2
What is the protein requirement of pregnant lady(reference weight) in third trimester
None of the above
68 gm /day
46 gm/day
54 gm/day
45s - Q3
How much fruits and vegetables one should consume daily?
60 gm/2000kcal
40 gm/2000kcal
1000 gm/day
400-500 gm /day
15s - Q4
What is the floor space required for 1 person
None of the above
100-110 sq ft
50-70 sq ft
70-90 sq ft
15s - Q5
Incorrect about the ventilation
All the statements are correct
Windows should be 1/5 th of floor areas
Living room should have 2-3 air changes per hour
Working place should have 4-6 changes per hour
30s - Q6
Mark the incorrect statement
Day light factor for living room should be 10%
Unit of Luminous intensity is Candela
Recommended illumination for Casual reading is 100 Lux
New family cut off is 10 years
30s - Q7
Actual weight /Desirable weight
Quetlet index
Corpulence index
Ponderal index
Brocca index
15s - Q8
Mark the incorrect statement
Literate is a person above 7 years of age who can read or write in a language he/she understands
Ketosis prone diabetes is Type 1 diabetic behaving as Type1
Risk of hypertension is about 30-40% if both the parent are hypertensives
All the statements are correct
30s - Q9
New modifications in the definition of PUO are all except
All the statements are correct
Nosocomial fever is excluded
Temperature is allowed to be lower than 38.3 deg c if laboratory signs of inflammation are present
Fever in immunocompromised is excluded
30s - Q10
Parrot beak appearance is seen in which grade of clubbing?
15s - Q11
All are causes of pitting edema except
Nephrotic syndrome
Epidemic dropsy
30s - Q12
What is the normal blood pressure (mm hg)as per ESC guidelines
30s - Q13
Mark the incorrect statement
Chest circumference is 31 cm at birth
Normal length of new born is 60 cm
Normal weight of new born is 2.5-4 kg
Chest circumference equals head circumference at age 1
30s - Q14
Mark the incorrect statement
MMR in india is 113/ lakh live birth
For less than 2 years length should be calculated using infantometer
As per latest SRS infant mortality rate in india is 30 per 1000 live births
Term baby gains 10% of body weight during first week of life
30s - Q15
All are signs of good latching except
Chin touches the breast
Lower areola visible
Mouth wide open
Lower lip everted out