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Great Depression/New Deal

Quiz by Rachel Murat

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16 questions
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  • Q1
    high unemployment, business failures, drop in stock market, housing market drops, farmers declaring bankruptcy
    signs of an unhealthy economy
  • Q2
    the official vote for president and vice president by electors in each state
    electoral vote
  • Q3
    the tally of each individual's vote within a given geographic area
    popular vote
  • Q4
    The informal radio conversations Roosevelt had with the people to keep spirits up. It was a means of communicating with the people on how he would take on the depression.
    fireside chats
  • Q5
    Roosevelt-declared closing of all U.S. financial institutions on March 6-10, 1933, in order to stop panic and prepare reforms.
    banking holiday
  • Q6
    A drought in the 1930's that turned the Great Plains very dry.
    dust bowl
  • Q7
    Gave farmers money to reduce crop size to reduce production and bring up the value of crops
    Agricultural Adjustment Act
  • Q8
    stressed "rural rehabilitation" efforts to improve the lifestyle of sharecroppers, tenants, very poor landowning farmers
    Farm Security Administration
  • Q9
    Hired young, unemployed people to do restoration projects throughout the country, employed over 3 million people.
    Civilian Conservation Corps
  • Q10
    FDR's new deal plan included these
    Relief, Recovery, Reform
  • Q11
    Government action taken to stimulate the economy, as spending money in the commercial sector, cutting taxes, or reducing interest rates
    pump priming
  • Q12
    New Deal agency that helped create jobs for those that needed them. It created around 9 million jobs working on bridges, roads, and buildings.
    Works Progress Administration
  • Q13
    Where FDR tried to add more members to the Supreme Court to pass his programs.
    court packing
  • Q14
    immediate assistance from the government to help people during the Great Depression
  • Q15
    FDR's plan to get us back on our feet during the Great Depression

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