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Half term 1 year 11

Quiz by Horia

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98 questions
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  • Q1

    What is crude oil made up of?

    remains of dead sea organisms such as plankton

    remains of dead trees

  • Q2

    How was crude oil made?

    under high temperature and pressure over millions of years

    under low temperature and pressure over millions of years

  • Q3

    What is a finite resource?

    a resource that will run out and cannot be remade

    a resource that will run out and can be remade

  • Q4

    What are the fossil fuels?

    crude oil, coal and natural gas

    olive oil, coal and natural gas

  • Q5

    What is a covalent bond between?

    non metals


  • Q6

    What is a covalent bond?

    sharing of electrons

    transfer of electrons

  • Q7

    What is the word equation for respiration?

    carbon dioxide + water --> glucose + oxygen

    glucose + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water (+energy)

  • Q8

    What is a contact force? What are examples?

    objects must not be physically touching for the force to arise, e.g. friction, air resistance, pull, gravity

    objects must be physically touching for the force to arise, e.g. friction, air resistance, pull, push

  • Q9

    What is a producer?

    an organism which eats its own food e.g. plants

    an organism which produces its own food e.g. plants

  • Q10

    What is an ionic bond between?


    metals and non metals

    non metals

  • Q11

    What is an ionic bond?

    Electrostatic force of attraction between oppositely charged ions

    Electrostatic force of attraction between like charged ions

  • Q12

    Why do ionic compounds have a high melting point?

    The forces of attraction between the ions is weak so requires alot of energy to overcome

    The forces of attraction between the ions is strong so requires alot of energy to overcome

  • Q13

    Why do ionic compounds not conduct electricity as a solid but conduct electricity as a liquid?

    the ions can move in a solid but cannot as a liquid

    the ions cannot move in a solid but can as a liquid

  • Q14

    What are the properties of ionic compounds?

    high melting and boiling points, soluble in water, cannot conduct electricity as a solid but can as a liquid (molten or in solution)

    high melting and boiling points, soluble in water, can conduct electricity as a solid but cannot as a liquid (molten or in solution)

  • Q15

    What does solution mean?

    dissolved in liquid


    dissolved in liquid


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