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Hamlet (Level 4) Ch. 3

Quiz by Karen Harrell

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Hamlet calls Denmark a prison because
    he cannot leave Denmark.
    he feels trapped.
    the King has locked him in there.
    there is something wrong with him.
  • Q2
    The real reason why Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are visiting Hamlet is that
    they are his good friends.
    they will perform a play at Elsinore.
    the King and Queen asked them to come.
    they want to see the actors.
  • Q3
    Prince Hamlet suspects that
    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are guilty of killing his father.
    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern will not break their promise to the King and Queen.
    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were sent for to check up on him.
    he will get no pleasure from the actors.
  • Q4
    The actors arrive
    after Polonius comes in.
    before Rosencrantz and Guildenstern can tell Hamlet about them.
    after Hamlet sends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern away.
    after Hamlet speaks a bit about his madness.
  • Q5
    When Hamlet explains why the King and Queen want his friends to watch him, he does not say this is a reason:
    Hamlet finds no pleasure in people.
    Hamlet talks about seeing a ghost.
    Hamlet finds no joy in life.
    Hamlet is not happy with the world's beauty.
  • Q6
    Hamlet's real cause for rage is that
    he has done nothing to revenge his father's killing.
    he feels more and more gloomy.
    actors pretend to show their feelings.
    he cannot do anything about his own feelings.
  • Q7
    Hamlet decides to tell the actors to perform the story of his father's killing, so that
    Hamlet will remember what happened.
    the guilty person won't suspect anyone knows what happened.
    the ghost will not be upset.
    Hamlet can watch how King Claudius acts when he sees it performed.
  • Q8
    Use the events in this story to judge Hamlet's feelings about plays and actors.
    Hamlet enjoys plays and knows a lot about them.
    Hamlet never saw a play before.
    Hamlet wants to be an actor in a play.
    Hamlet does not like plays or actors.
  • Q9
    Another name for this story could be
    Breaking a Promise
    A Cause for Rage
    Hamlet's plan to Find the Trugh
    Uncle-Father and Aunt-Mother
  • Q10
    This story is mainly about
    Hamlet's way to find who killed his father.
    Hamlet's madness in prison.
    Hamlet's love of plays.
    Rosencrantz's and Guildenstern's friendly visit.

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