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Health and safety culture

Quiz by Prakash Vir Sharma

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the definition of a safety culture?
    A culture that ignores safety procedures
    A culture that only focuses on safety once an accident has occurred
    A culture that prioritizes productivity over safety
    A culture that prioritizes safety and encourages safe behavior
  • Q2
    What is the most effective way to prevent accidents in the workplace?
    Increasing worker salaries
    Punishing employees who cause accidents
    Establishing a strong safety culture
    Providing workers with more breaks
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of a safety inspection?
    To decrease worker morale
    To increase worker workload
    To identify and correct potential hazards in the workplace
    To evaluate employee performance
  • Q4
    What is the most important aspect of a health and safety culture?
    Employee satisfaction and happiness
    Employee involvement and commitment to safety
    Employee salary and benefits
    Employee productivity and efficiency
  • Q5
    What is the purpose of a safety audit?
    To assess the effectiveness of an organization's health and safety policies and procedures.
    To reduce the amount of paperwork required for reporting accidents or incidents.
    To punish employees who have been involved in accidents or incidents.
    To identify employees who are not following safety procedures.
  • Q6
    What is the definition of a lagging indicator?
    A measure of the organization's financial performance.
    A measure of accidents or incidents that have already happened.
    A measure of the proactive efforts being made towards improving health and safety.
    A measure of the employee turnover rate.
  • Q7
    What is the definition of a leading indicator?
    A measure of the employee turnover rate.
    A measure of the proactive efforts being made towards improving health and safety.
    A measure of the organization's financial performance.
    A measure of the number of accidents or incidents that have already happened.
  • Q8
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture in the workplace?
    Good employee satisfaction
    High number of accidents
    High levels of productivity
    Low staff turnover
  • Q9
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture in a company's management?
    Frequent company events
    Quarterly financial reports
    Lack of investment in health and safety measures
    Employee awards and recognition programs
  • Q10
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture among employees?
    Flexibility and willingness to multitask
    Regular involvement in company initiatives
    Disregard for safety protocols and procedures
    Positive attitude towards change
  • Q11
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture in the manufacturing industry?
    High levels of worker automation and industry 4.0 technology adoption
    Strong focus on lean production and waste reduction initiatives
    Lack of regular equipment maintenance and inspections
    Stringent quality control checks and measures
  • Q12
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture in the construction industry?
    Strict adherence to safety regulations and standards
    A culture of collaboration and teamwork
    Emphasis on design creativity and innovation
    Failure to use appropriate personal protective equipment
  • Q13
    What is a common negative indicator of a poor health and safety culture in the transportation industry?
    Frequent vehicle maintenance and safety checks
    Strict adherence to transportation regulations and standards
    Emphasis on environmental sustainability and carbon footprint reduction
    Lack of driver training and ongoing education

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