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Health (Weighted)

Quiz by Janine Kim Vega

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5 questions
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  • Q1

    The most effective method to prevent HIV transmission is abstinence.

    multiplem://strongly agree|100:agree|75:disagree|50:strongly disagree|0

  • Q2

    RA 8504 is the law about AIDS Prevention and Control in the Philippines 

    multiplem://strongly agree|100:agree|75:disagree|50:strongly disagree|0

  • Q3

    A person with STI has a higher risk of getting infected with HIV 

    multiplem://strongly agree|100:agree|75:disagree|50:strongly disagree|0

  • Q4

    There is a cure for HIV infection 

    multiplem://strongly disagree|100:disagree|75:agree|50:strongly agree|0

  • Q5

    A person can infected with HIV if he or she uses a public toilet bowl used by a person with HIV 

    multiplem://strongly disagree|100:disagree|75:agree|50:strongly agree|0


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