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Heat Study Guide

Quiz by Haley Ferreira

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11 questions
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  • Q1

    Heat is the flow of ________ from a warm object to a cooler object. 





  • Q2

    Heat energy results from the movement of the tiny particles in _______, __________, and  _________ and can be transferred from one object to another. 

    air, water, and heat 

    insulators, conductors, and heat

    solids, liquids, and gases

  • Q3

    Which of these is NOT a common source of heat energy? 




    burning objects

  • Q4

    You are at your house and you are always cold in your room. Your mom is always hot in her room. What question could you ask to determine how a heat source influences this? 

    Whose room is bigger?

    What is the weather like outside?

    Do you have an air vent in your room? 

  • Q5

    A kid went to a pool party. The friend's mom gave each of them a popsicle to eat by the pool. The popsicles began to melt quickly. What is the best question they can ask to find the source of heat that caused the popsicle to melt? 

    What was the temperature of the popsicles?

    What kind of popsicles were they? 

    What was the temperature outside?

    How big are the popsicles? 

  • Q6

    What are the two most common types of ways to measure temperature?

    Farenheit and United States 

    Heat and energy

    Celsius and Farenheit

  • Q7

    Students at your school have been burning their legs on the slides at recess. Which would be the best investigation for determining the material that should be used to make the slides safe for students' hands? 

    Measure the temperature of different materials on other playground equipment when they are in the sun and in the shade. Compare to see which has the lowest temperature.

    Measure the temperature of different materials on other playground equipment after the materials have been in the sun for several minutes. Compare to see which has the lowest temperature.

    Measure the temperature of the material on the ground under the slide and compare it to the temperature of the slide during the hottest part of the day.

  • Q8

    Ashley is trying to earn money by opening a lemonade stand in her neighborhood, but she is having a problem with the lemonades getting warm in the hot summer sun.  

    Ashley has a large box to keep the lemonade in while she tries to sell them.  She also has these materials to choose from to put in or on the box:

    styrofoam, plastic wrap, tin foil, black felt, cotton balls, yellow fleece, and black paper

    How could Ashley create a device to keep her lemonade cool in the sun? 

    She should create a box with styrofoam and cotton balls since these materials are insulators.

    She should create a box with black paper and styrofoam since conductors and insulators built together can prevent the lemonade from getting warm.  

    She should create a box with black felt and black paper since black is a conductor.

    She should create a box with tin foil and black paper to block the sun’s reflection.

  • Q9

    The PTA is selling hot coffee for the teachers at school on Friday mornings. What type of cup should they use to make sure that the hot coffee stays hot for an extended period of time? 

    Cups that are made out of paper so they are inexpensive, which means the PTA will earn more money.

    Cups that insulate heat well using styrofoam, so the heat will stay inside the cup.

    Cups that conduct heat well using metal, so the cup will become warm.

  • Q10

    If a candy bar is melting in your pocket while you are sitting in class, what question could you ask to determine the source of heat that caused the candy bar to melt? 

    What size are your pockets?

    What is the temperature of the room?

    What size is the candy bar?

    Are your pockets thick? 

  • Q11

    Which of these would cause your hands to get blisters?

    Sliding down a rope

    The length of a rope 

    Climbing up a rope

    Falling off a rope


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