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Hero - Ch. 1-7

Quiz by Jennie Lorenzen

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Who is the protagonist in the novel
    Mrs. Walker
    Mr. Hassler
  • Q2
    Who runs Carbondale Ranch?
    Rick's parents
    Mr. Hassler
    Mrs. Walker's husband
  • Q3
    How did Knicker's birth affect Sean?
    All of the above
    Sean learns to care about someone beyond himself
    Sean feels unconditional love from someone else
    Sean learns a valuable skill that could help him in the future
  • Q4
    What is the correlation between Manda and Knicker's relationship and Sean and his mother's?
    Knicker has Sean to take care of him, an Sean has Mr. Hassler to care for him.
    Sean knows Manda can not be place with his mother again, but Sean feels he can give him mother a second chance.
    Sean knows that Knicker is dependent on him, and Sean is dependent on his mother.
    Sean and Knicker are similar because they need their mothers, but their mothers are abusive.
  • Q5
    Where does Sean feel the "safest he's ever felt"?
    with his father
    Mr. Hassler's house
    His house
    At school

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