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History Quiz 1

Quiz by Laura

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12 questions
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  • Q1

    Who were the Fenians?

    An Irish Catholic organization who were angry at the British for colonization of Ireland. 

    An Irish Protestant organization who were angry at the British for colonization of Ireland. 

    An British Protestant organization who were angry at themselves for colonization of Ireland. 

    A French Catholic organization who were angry at the British for colonization of Ireland. 

  • Q2

    Who was John A MacDonald?

    The first Bishop of Canada 

    The first Prime Minister of Canada

    The first President of Canada

    The first Premier of Canada

  • Q3

    What is Manifest Destiny?

    The American belief that the should own all of North America

    The American belief that tea comes first 

    The American belief that the British were stupid 

    The American belief that economics come first 

  • Q4

    Who was Harriet Tubman?

    A previously failed student who helped others escape from school in the USA via the Underground Railway. 

    A previously enslaved individual who helped others escape from slavery in the USA via the Underground Railway. 

    A previously exiled politician who helped others escape from elections in the USA via the Underground Railway. 

    A previously upset aristocrat who helped others escape from taxes in the USA via the Underground Railway. 

  • Q5

    Why did George Brown have such influence in Canada West?

    He was a conservative party member who didn't know how to write but spoke well. 

    He was MacDonald's brother. 

    He owned a factory that made amazing toys that the kids loved. 

    He started a  newspaper that important people read and therefore influenced opinions. 

  • Q6

    What year did Dominion Day (Confederation) take place?





  • Q7

    Why did Sir John A. MacDonald want a centralized government?

    To be able to resist British invasion, Orange Order threat, and make a better economic situation for the colonies as a united whole. 

    To be able to resist American invasion, Orange Order threat, and make a better cultural situation for the colonies as a united whole. 

    To be able to resist American invasion, Fenian threat, and make a better economic situation for the colonies as a united whole. 

    To be able to resist British invasion, Fenian threat, and make a better cultural situation for the colonies as a united whole. 

  • Q8

    What is one positive aspect of the Gold Rush?

    People made a lot of money

    People made a lot of cool fur hats

    Americans made friends with the British 

    British people made friends with  First Nations peoples

  • Q9

    What is the BNA Act?

    Britain's Nobody-speaks-like-us All Act

    British Native America Act

    British North America Act

    British North Association Act

  • Q10

    What were the Maritime's terms of confederation?

    Ferry, railway, trade partners, and resolution to the Absentee landlord situation

    Ferry, railway, gold trade, and resolution to the Absentee landlord situation

    free food, railway, trade partners, and resolution to the Absentee landlord situation

    Free food, railway, trade partners, and resolution to the present landlord situation

  • Q11

    What were the Canada East/French Canada terms of confederation?

    to keep their religion, education, and ties to France

    to keep their language, religion, and education

    to keep their language, education, but no need to keep the religion

    to keep their language, education, and bishop hats 

  • Q12

    Which three conferences helped the BNA Act happen?

    Charlottetown, Quebec, Wales

    Halifax, Quebec, London

    Charlottetown, Quebec, London

    Charlottetown, Montreal, London


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