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Homeostasis- Cells (SC.6.L.14.3)

Quiz by A. Barrios

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following is an example of a persons body NOT maintaining homeostasis?
    a set amount of water in cells
    each individuals slightly varied internal body temperature
    your body sweating while exercising
    increasing heart rate
  • Q2
    Which of the following is NOT a way cells help regulate homeostasis?
    Cells reproduce to make new cells.
    Cells allow large amount of water to enter the cell.
    Cells convert food into chemical energy that the cell can use.
    Cells remove excess waste to the external environment.
  • Q3
    What is the organelle that controls the process of material exiting and entering the cell.
    cell membrane
    cell wall
  • Q4
    If waste products were not removed from the cell, what would most likely happen to the cell?
    The cell would increase in size until the waste products were pushed out of the cell.
    Red blood cells would enter the cell to eat/break down all of the trash.
    The cell would die.
    Garbage would be transported to the chloroplasts for processing and removal.
  • Q5
    All living cells must maintain homeostasis or internal stable conditions in order to survive. Which of the following processes would best help a cell to maintain these conditions?
    creating water molecules
    creating DNA
    using carbon dioxide
    using energy

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