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How Police can be persuaded by the characteristics of witnesses and defendants

Quiz by Alex Price

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    In Penrod and Cutler when the witness (confederate) said she was 100% confident what % said the robber was guilty?





  • Q2

    In Penrod and Cutler when the witness (confederate) said she was 80% confident what % said the robber was guilty?I





  • Q3

    The halo effect is a cognitive bias

    True or False
  • Q4

    Castello's sample consisted of

    71 males and 71 fermales

    64 females and 71 males

    50 males and 72 females

    71 males and 74 females

  • Q5

    Castellow: in response to the question 'do you think Mr Rashford is guilty?' and the defendant was attractive, guilty verdicts were found:

    56% for the attractive against 76% for an unattractive �defendant

    36% for the attractive against 66% for an unattractive �defendant

    76% for the attractive against �56% for an unattractive �defendant

    6% for the attractive against 76% for an unattractive �defendant

  • Q6

    Sigall and Strove investigated attractiveness and type of crime. The first IV was:

    1)defendant attractive. 2)Defendant unattractive and 3) a control group

    1)defendant attractive. 2) a control group

    1)defendant attractive. 2)Defendant unattractive and 3) defendant was plain

    1)defendant attractive. 2)Defendant unattractive�

  • Q7

    Sigall and Strove investigated attractiveness and type of crime. The second IV was:S

    burglary and arson

    burglary and fraud

    burglary and a sex offence

    sex offence and embezzlement�

  • Q8

    Maeder investigated sexual assault trials and race. They found that if the defendant was white and the victim attractive then:

    the victim was held to be more reposnsible for the attack

    the victim was held to be less reposnsible for the attack

    the victim was held to be neither �more or less reposnsible for the attack

    the defendant was held to be more reposnsible for the attack

  • Q9

    Maeder investigated sexual assault trials and race. They found that if the defendant was black and the victim attractive then:

    The victim was held to be less reposnsible for the attack�

    the defendant was held to be less repossnible for the attack

    the victim was held to be neither more or less responsible for the attack.�

    The victim was held to be more reposnsible for the attack

  • Q10

    in Dixon et al they used a lab experiment using:

    independant measures

    matched pairs�

    scenario based observation

    repeated measures

  • Q11

    in Dixon et al the three levels of IV were:

    accent type, race of suspect and crime type.

    accent type, social class of suspect and crime type.

    ccent type, race of suspect and amount of money stolen.

    geographical location, race of suspect and crime type.

  • Q12

    In Dixon et al the sample were students from Winchester college. They took part because:

    they were offered free beer from the student union

    they volunteered to an advert in the college canteen

    they could skip classes if they volunteered

    it was part of their course requirements

  • Q13

    In Dixon the sample consisted of:�

    119 black undergraduates, 24 males and 95 females with an average age of 25.2 years.�

    119 white undergraduates, 24 males and 95 females with an average age of 25.2 years.�

    119 white undergraduates, 59 males and 60 females with an average age of 25.2 years.�

    119 black and white undergraduates, 24 males and 95 females with an average age of 25.2 years.�

  • Q14

    Participants from Birmingham were excluded from the research. This was because:�

    As they are from Birmingham they may be untrustworthy

    As they are from Birmingham they may be a localised effect

    As they are from Birmingham they may not hear the difference in accent between Brummie and standard English

    As they are from Birmingham they may be a Shelby, and, well...

  • Q15

    in Dixon's procedure the tape recording by the susect was provided by:

    A student in his 20's who worked for RADA

    A student in his 20's who grew up near Birmingham and had lived in various parts of England

    An actor from Peaky Blinders

    Two students, one form Birmingham and one from London


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