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How successful was Henry II as king?

Quiz by Oak National Academy: KS3 History (2)

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    Match the key words with the correct definitions.
    Users link answers
  • Q2
    Why did Henry II begin thinking about the division of his lands before his death?
    he had no sons to inherit his lands
    he wanted to prevent his sons from inheriting anything
    he wanted to secure peace amongst his sons
  • Q3
    How did the sons react to their inheritance from their father, Henry II?
    they wanted power immediately
    they were patient and willing to wait for power
    they were content with their shares
    they were pleased with the arrangement
  • Q4
    What extreme step did Eleanor of Aquitaine encourage her sons to take?
    joining up with Henry's enemies in a revolt against their father
    joining the Church
    joining forces with Henry's allies
    pursue peaceful negotiations with Henry II
  • Q5
    What happened to Eleanor of Aquitaine after the revolt failed in 1174?
    she went into hiding
    she was executed
    she was imprisoned
  • Q6
    What was the main issue that plagued Henry II's succession planning?
    family rebellion
    the Anarchy
    Church reform

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