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How to achieve your financial goals.

Quiz by Larissa Mullen

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    How can setting financial goals help you?
    Set you up for future success
    Lead to financial instability
    Keep you poor
    Prevent saving money
  • Q2
    What is a common recommendation for budgeting?
    Splurging on luxuries
    Spending all your income on wants
    Not keeping track of expenses
    Living below your means
  • Q3
    Why is it important to start saving early for long-term goals?
    Starting late ensures better results
    Interest does not affect long-term savings
    Regular saving is key for long-term savings
    Long-term goals don't require early savings
  • Q4
    What can small regular deposits do for long-term savings?
    Have no impact on long-term savings
    Add up exponentially over years thanks to interest
    Lead to losing money over time
    Help you spend all your income
  • Q5
    Why should you develop smart money habits young?
    To spend all your income immediately
    To be on your way to financial freedom
    To have a carefree financial life
    To not worry about money
  • Q6
    What is a key principle for achieving financial success?
    Rely on others for financial support
    Ignore budgeting and saving
    Spend less than you earn and save the rest.
    Spend all your income immediately

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