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How to Eat Fried Worms

Quiz by Amanda Patterson

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the main challenge that Billy faces in How to Eat Fried Worms?
    Eating the worms without being sick
    Learning to cook better
    Winning a bet with his teacher
    Finding friends to help him
  • Q2
    Who bets Billy that he cannot eat fifteen worms in fifteen days?
  • Q3
    What happens if Billy successfully eats all the worms?
    He gets a pet worm
    He becomes famous
    He gets a trophy
    He wins fifty dollars
  • Q4
    What type of worms does Billy have to eat in the story?
    Regular fish worms
    Glow worms
  • Q5
    What does Billy's family think about his challenge of eating worms?
    They think it's gross
    They are proud of him
    They want to join him
    They think it's fun
  • Q6
    What does Billy do to prepare for eating the worms?
    He tries different ways to make them taste better
    He finds a recipe for cooking worms
    He practices running
    He asks his friends to eat them first
  • Q7
    What is the reaction of Billy's friends when they find out about the worm-eating bet?
    They think it's boring
    They want to join the bet
    They think it's hilarious
    They are worried for him
  • Q8
    What strategy does Billy use to get through eating the worms each day?
    He eats them quickly to finish
    He tries not to think about it
    He pretends they are candy
    He focuses on the money he will earn
  • Q9
    What lesson does Billy learn by the end of How to Eat Fried Worms?
    To be brave and try new things
    To never eat worms again
    To always follow rules
    To avoid challenges
  • Q10
    What are some of the different toppings that Billy tries to add to the worms?
    Mayonnaise and mustard
    Ketchup and hot sauce
    Chocolate syrup
    Ice cream and sprinkles

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