Quiz by camille nonescan
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- Q1
Are countermeasures aimed at improving the safety and reducing volumes of through traffic inside the community.
) rerouting
traffic calming
30s - Q2
The separation or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite paths of travel by traffic islands or pavement marking to facilitate the orderly movements of both vehicles and pedestrians.
auxiliary lanes
30s - Q3
Are countermeasures aimed at improving the safety and reducing volumes of through traffic inside the community.
30s - Q4
An extra lane constructed between on and off ramps that allows drivers a safe way to merge into traffic while also preventing bottlenecks caused by drivers attempting to enter or exit the freeway
lay-by lane
auxiliary lane
30s - Q5
A method of aligning a junction of two or more surface transport axes at different heights so that they will not disrupt the traffic flow on other transit routes when they cross each other.
grade separation
30s - Q6
The general area where two or more highways join or cross, including the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements within the area.
grade separation
30s - Q7
An opening provided during construction in retaining walls, aprons, canal linings, foundation, etc., to permit drainage of water collecting behind and beneath such structures to reduce hydrostatic head.
Weep hole
30s - Q8
The portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicle, exclusive of auxiliary lanes, shoulders, bicycle lanes, parking lanes, and gutters.
Travelled way
30s - Q9
The portion of the roadbed prepared as a foundation for the sub-base or surface course.
Subgrade Subbase
Base course
30s - Q10
The portion of the roadway contiguous with the travelled way for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface course
30s - Q11
The portion of a highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use.
Travelled way
30s - Q12
An arterial highway for non-commercial traffic, with full or partial control of access, and usually located within a park or a ribbon of park-line development.
Tourism road
30s - Q13
The portion of a divided highway separating travelled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
30s - Q14
A divided highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separations at intersections
Primary roads
30s - Q15
A horizontal strip or shelf built into an embankment or cut, to break the continuity of an otherwise long slope.
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