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Quiz by Aldana Lijo

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14 questions
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  • Q1
    What is tip number one from the video?
    Access medical records on your device
    Use the health app as a fitness tracker
    Make dictation your new BFF
    Customize your device to make it easier to see and use
    Set up your medical ID
  • Q2
    Where can you find the option to crank up the font on your device?
    Display settings
    Accessibility settings
    Display and sound
    Display and brightness
    Language and input
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of the Zoomed View on your device?
    Provides a detailed view of text messages
    Improves battery life
    Makes everything a little bit bigger and more comfortable to see
    Allows for multi-window functionality
    Enlarges images and videos
  • Q4
    What is tip number three from the video?
    Access medical records on your device
    Make dictation your new BFF
    Use the health app as a fitness tracker
    Set up your medical ID
    Customize your device to make it easier to see and use
  • Q5
    What was the narrator's heart rate during the night?
    74 beats per minute
    127 beats per minute
    61 beats per minute
    100 beats per minute
  • Q6
    How much caffeine did the narrator consume?
    600 milligrams
    100 milligrams
    900 milligrams
    300 milligrams
  • Q7
    What is the NPI-16?
    National Performance Indicator
    Narcissism Personality Index
    Narcotic Possibility Index
    New Personal Information
  • Q8
    What is the function of the 3D accelerometer?
    Calculates heart rate
    Stores data
    Analyzes sleep patterns
    Tracks movement through space
  • Q9
    What does the Fitbit track?
    Steps and distance
    Heart rate and blood pressure
    Activity and sleep
    Calorie intake and weight
  • Q10
    What does the Nike+ system use to measure pace and distance?
    GPS tracker
    Pressure sensor
    Heart rate monitor
  • Q11
    What type of sleep does the new sleep tracking system provide detailed data on?
    Deep sleep, light sleep, REM sleep
    Duration of dreams
    Total sleep time
    Number of times waking up
  • Q12
    What does the small GPS transceiver in the asthma tracking system provide?
    Date and location of an asthma incident
    Heart rate during an asthma attack
    Duration of an asthma episode
    Daily pollen count
  • Q13
    According to the narrator, how can self-tracking tools be useful?
    For biometric security
    For advertising and marketing
    For social networking
    For self-improvement and self-awareness
  • Q14
    What is the purpose of obtaining biometric data through Apple Earbuds?
    Avant-garde marketing research
    Public health research
    Biometric security

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