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Human Geo Final Exam 2023

Quiz by Mr Dziura

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114 questions
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  • Q1
    A body of thought that emphasizes that humans and nonhumans are linked together in a dynamic set of relations that, in turn, influence human behavior
    actor-network theory
  • Q2
    A situation in which one place or region can supply the demand for resources or goods in another place or region
  • Q3
    A subfield within human geography that studies the relationship between people and the natural environment
    cultural ecology
  • Q4
    The collection of structures, fields, or other features that result from human transformation of the natural environment; any landscape created or modified by people
    cultural landscape
  • Q5
    A social creation consisting of the shared meanings, beliefs and practices. Culture is dynamic rather than fixed, and is a complex system that is shaped by people and, in turn, influences them
  • Q6
    the tapering off of a process, pattern, or event over a distance
    distance decay
  • Q7
    The arrangement of phenomena on or near the Earth's surface
  • Q8
    The first, and oldest, theory of cultural ecology maintains that natural factors control the development of human physiological and mental qualities
    environmental determinism
  • Q9
    An area that possesses one or more unifying physical or cultural traits; can be found on a map, but does not have to be contiguous
    formal region
  • Q10
    An area that is unified by a specific economic, political, or social activity and possesses at least one node
    functional region
  • Q11
    The greater interconnectedness and interdependence of people and places around the world
  • Q12
    The branch of geography centered on the study of people, places, spatial variation in human activities, and the relationship between people and the environment
    human geography
  • Q13
    A situation in which a different location can provide a desired good more economically than another location
    intervening opportunity
  • Q14
    In one sense, the physical environment that is external to people, but also a social construction derived from ideas that people have about the physical environment
  • Q15
    The discredited idea that culture is completely independent of (and superior to) nature, and that societies "closer to nature" (non-western cultures) are inferior to "more developed" (western) cultures
    nature-culture dualism

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