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IAPSM National TB Quiz Prelims

Quiz by Sharon BaisiL

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40 questions
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  • Q1

    BPaL regimen for XDR TB patients tested with Nix-TB trial includes:

    Bedaquiline, PAS, Linezolid

    Bedaquiline, Pretonamid, Levofloxacin

    Bedaquiline, PAS, Levofloxacin

    Bedaquiline, Pretonamid, Linezolid

  • Q2

    For detection of tubercle bacilli in sputum, byZiehl-Neelsen method, there must be at least:

    50-100 bacilli per ml

    50,000-100,000 per ml

    500-1000 bacilli per ml

    5000-10000 bacilli per ml

  • Q3

    WHO recommends using lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay AlereLAM (LF-LAM) to assist in the diagnosis?

    In key populations with active TB disease

    In hospitalized patients with active TB in HIV-positive adults, adolescents

    In patients without TB symptoms and unknown CD4 cell count

    In children with a history of contact with MDR TB patients

  • Q4

    Pre-XDR-TB is defined as:

    TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tuberculosis) strains that fulfil the definition of multidrug resistant andrifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) and which are also resistant to anyfluoroquinolone

    Strain resistant to more than any four drugs used for the treatment of TB

    Resistant to two more effective first-line drugs Isoniazid and rifampicin irrespective of resistance to any other drugs

    MDR TB that is resistant to two injectable second-line drugs

  • Q5

    As per Biomedical waste guidelines, Truenat chips (MTB/RIF) in TBlaboratories should be disposed of in:

    Red bag

    White Puncture proof boxes/ containers

    Yellow bag

    Blue bag

  • Q6

    Medication event reminder monitor (MERM) for DR-TB patients is:

    A relative of patient assigned to monitor treatment

    An SMS reminder service

    A digital pillbox

    A register maintained for medicine inventory

  • Q7

    Latent tuberculosis is diagnosed by (⭐ Question)

    Interferon Gamma Release Assay

    Line Probe Assay

    Culture on LJ medium


  • Q8

    King Edward VII Sanatorium, the first government run sanatorium for tuberculosis patients was opened at which place?





  • Q9

    According to RNTCP guidelines, sputum smear for AFB staining is said to be negative after examining………. Oil immersion field





  • Q10

    TB-related targets are shown in the image have to achieve by the year 2035. These targets belong to

    Question Image

    The Stop TB strategy

    NationalHealth Policy 2017

    National Strategic Plan 2017 – 2025

    The End TB Strategy

  • Q11

    The usual dose of purified protein derivative in Mantoux test is:

    150 IU

    5 IU

    50 IU

    100 IU

  • Q12

    An annular plaque with central scarring is a feature of the following kind of cutaneous tuberculosis:

    Lupus vulgaris

    Lichen scrofulosorum


    Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis

  • Q13

    Patient turn-around-time (TAT) is defined as the time taken from?

    LPA testing and reporting of results in NIKSHAY

    Sample collection to NAAT testing

    Specimen collection to initiating the patient on treatment

    NAAT results to treatment initiation

  • Q14

    Shorter Oral BDQ containing MDR/RR-TB regimen is NOT recommended for which of the following patient?

    MDR/RR-TB with FQ resistance not detected

    MDR/RR-TB with H resistance detected/inferredbased on InhA & KatG mutation both

    MDR/RR-TB with H resistance detected/inferred based on KatG mutation only

    MDR/RR-TB with H resistance detected/inferred based on InhA mutation only

  • Q15

    Risk of TBI increases in case of HIV co-infection with or without ART by

    3-6 times

    7-13 times 

    16-21 times

    10-15 times


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