Identifying adjectives grade 4
Quiz by Melanie Burnor
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10 questions
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- Q1Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The tall tree swayed in the wind.swayedtreeintall30s
- Q2Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The cute puppy played with a red ball.playedpuppywithcute30s
- Q3Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The delicious pizza was served hot.deliciousservedwaspizza30s
- Q4Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The bright sun shone in the clear sky.brightinshonesun30s
- Q5Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The large elephant trumpeted loudly.trumpetedelephantlargeloudly30s
- Q6Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The happy children played in the park.playedchildreninhappy30s
- Q7Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The colorful flowers bloomed in the garden.flowersbloomedcolorfulin30s
- Q8Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The old house had a creaky door.oldcreakyhadhouse30s
- Q9Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The fast car zoomed past us.pastfastcarzoomed30s
- Q10Which word is an adjective in the following sentence: The shiny necklace sparkled under the lights.undernecklaceshinysparkled30s