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Illustrating Proportions

Quiz by Nolie Araza

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    The ratio is used for _________ two quantities of the same kind. 

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  • Q2

    A comparison by division is termed as ratio and the ________ of two ratios is called proportion.

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  • Q3

    Write P if the expression is a proportion and NP if not.

    24 / 15 = 16 / 10

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  • Q4

    Write P if the expression is a proportion and NP if not.

    18 / 30 = 10 / 20

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  • Q5

    Write P if the expression is a proportion and NP if not.

    2𝑥 / 3𝑦 = 6𝑥 / 9y

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  • Q6

    In Cross-Product Property, if 2a / 4 = 6a / 12, then

    2a (6a) = 4 (12)

    6a / 4 = 12 / 2a

    2a (12) = 6a (4)

    12 + 6a = 2a + 4

  • Q7

    In Addition Property, if 2a / 4 = 6a / 12, then

    4(12) = 6a (2a)

    2a(12) = 6a(4)

    2a + 4 / 4 = 6a + 12 / 12

    2a - 4 / 4 = 6a - 12 / 12

  • Q8

    What property of proportion is applied to the statement: If 4 / 6 = 6 / 9, then 4 / 6 = 6 / 9 = 10 / 15?

    Reciprocal Property

    Cross-Product Property

    Sum Property

    Alternation Property

  • Q9

    The first, second and third terms of the proportion are 42, 36, 35. Find the fourth term.





  • Q10

    In a certain room, there are 28 women and 21 men. What is the ratio of men to women? What is the ratio of women to the total number of people?

    Men : women = 21 : 28 = 4:3

    Women : total number of people = 28 : 49 = 4 : 7

    Men : women = 21 : 28 = 4:7

    Women : total number of people = 28 : 49 = 3 : 4

    Men : women = 21 : 28 = 3:4

    Women : total number of people = 28 : 49 = 4 : 7

    Men : women = 21 : 28 = 3:4

    Women : total number of people = 28 : 49 = 7 : 4


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