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Imperialism Practice Quiz

Quiz by Rachel

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    What are 2 reasons why European nations wanted to imperialize Asia and Africa
    Isolationist foreign policy
    Cultural exchange programs
    Promotion of global peace
    A desire for raw materials and a desire to control foreign markets
  • Q2
    Which event marked the beginning of formal American imperialism?
    The Mexican-American War
    The Spanish-American War
    The War of 1812
    The American Civil War
  • Q3
    Which American president was known for his policy of 'Big Stick Diplomacy'?
    Andrew Johnson
    Theodore Roosevelt
    Woodrow Wilson
    William McKinley
  • Q4
    What is an isthmus?
    A narrow strip of land with water on either side, connecting two larger landmasses
    A type of volcanic mountain range
    An underground cave system with water flowing through
    A large body of water surrounded by land
  • Q5
    Which famous canal is an example of a waterway that crosses an isthmus?
    Erie Canal
    Panama Canal
    Kiel Canal
    Suez Canal
  • Q6
    What does the word Isolationism mean?
    A policy of invading other countries
    A policy of actively engaging with other countries
    A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other countries
    A policy of forming alliances with other countries
  • Q7
    After the Spanish American war, Congress gradually allowed Puerto Ricans greater self-government, and in 1917 it...
    established Puerto Rico as an independent nation
    granted U.S. citizenship to Puerto Ricans
    allowed Puerto Rico to join the United Nations
    made Puerto Rico a U.S. state
  • Q8
    What is yellow journalism?
    Reporting on environmental issues
    Only reporting on topics related to the color yellow
    Sensationalized and exaggerated reporting to lure readers
    Factual and unbiased reporting
  • Q9
    What impact did yellow journalism have on the Spanish-American War?
    It prevented the United States from getting involved in the conflict
    It played a role in agitating public sentiment and pushing the United States towards war
    It had no impact on the course of the war
    It promoted peaceful negotiations between Spain and the US
  • Q10
    How did the construction of the Panama Canal impact international trade?
    It led to increased tariffs on goods passing through the canal
    It restricted access to the canal for non-US ships
    It significantly reduced travel time and costs for vessels traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
    It caused a decline in global trade volume
  • Q11
    What territories did the US gain as a result of the Spanish American war?
    Cuba, Hawaii, Alaska
    Mexico, Canada, Brazil
    Spain, France, Italy
    Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines
  • Q12

    what was the main outcome of the Spanish-American War?

    Great Britain emerged as a world power

    Spain won

    the United States annexed Flordia 

    the U.S. became an imperial power 

  • Q13
    Why did the United States call for an open door policy in China?
    To conquer and colonize China
    To trade in other countries spheres of influence
    To establish military bases in China
    To promote cultural exchange with China
  • Q14

    Which group had economic interest in the possession of the Hawaiian Islands 

    Chinese caligraphers 

    American sugar planters 

    American monopolists 

    African cattle herders 

  • Q15

    Which region is President Roosevelt's Big Stick policy associated with?




    Latin America 


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