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in aula Salvii

Quiz by Katie Rossino

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What did Salvius do after the will of Cogidubnus had been received?
    departed from Cogidubnus' palace
    arrested Cogidubnus' supporters
    took over Cogidubnus' palace
    took all of the money from the cheifs
  • Q2
    Why were some chiefs helping Salvius?
    They were corrupted by greed
    They were corrupted by fear
    They were corrupted by greed AND fear
    They were in dire need of money
  • Q3
    What did Belimicus expect from helping Salvius?
    a palace and a wife
    a lot of money and fame
    a reward and to be king of the Regnenses
    a new boat and a bear
  • Q4
    With whom was Belimicus beginning to plot ?
    a few chiefs
    all of the chiefs
    none of the chiefs
    several chiefs
  • Q5
    Upon finding out about Belimicus' plot, what did angry Salvius decide to do?
    kill Belimicus
    burn Belimicus' home
    call Belimicus arrogant and daring
    take Belimicus' money
  • Q6
    What was NOT being suggested by some of the chiefs as a means of killing Belimicus?
  • Q7
    Why was Salvius being delighted by the plan to take out Belimicus using poison?
    because he knew it would be easy
    because he killed Cogidubnus with poison
    because it is the most clever plan
    because he liked the taste of poison
  • Q8
    By what will Belimicus be persuaded?
    vast amounts of money
    hopes of a kingdom
    kind and flattering words
    delicious food
  • Q9
    How was Belimicus being invited to the palace?
    by a servent
    by a letter
    by smoke signals
  • Q10
    Was Belimicus suspecting any fraud or trick from Salvius' letter?

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