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Independent - Tax & Tip

Quiz by Michael Wanat

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12 questions
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  • Q1
    $15 lunch; 20% tip; 6.5% sales tax. Find the total cost.
  • Q2
    $16 haircut; 15% tip; 7% sales tax. Find the total cost.
  • Q3
    $40.80 dinner; 17% tip 8% sales tax. Find the total cost.
  • Q4
    $115 coat; 7% sales tax. How much is the sales tax?
  • Q5
    $128 catered dinners; 18% tip; 5.5% sales tax. Find the total cost.
  • Q6
    $12 meal; 4.5% tax; 15% tip; Find the total cost.
  • Q7
    $8.00 breakfast; 15% tip How much is the tip?
  • Q8
    $120 dinner; 7.5% tax; 18% tip; Find the total cost.
  • Q9
    Mrs. Draper’s haircut is $80. There is 5% sales tax and she leaves a 20% tip. What is the total cost?
  • Q10
    The Lombardo family went out to dinner and the cost of their meal was $62. If they left a 20% tip and sales tax was 6%, what was the total cost?
  • Q11
    The Striton family had a meal catered for a wedding rehearsal dinner. The cost of the dinner was $476. There was a 5% sales tax and they left a 15% tip. What was the total cost including the sales tax and the tip?
  • Q12
    Mr. Wanat's birthday dinner was $242. The sales tax was 6.5% and he left a 25% tip. What was the total cost for his birthday dinner?

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