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Inquiry Bias Independent Review

Quiz by Anna Hasenkamp

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    To which logical conclusion can this pattern of evidence lead?
    Question Image
    Globalization will cause the American economy to fail because there will not be enough jobs for the growing population.
    Critics of globalization believe that international travel is responsible for the recent communicable disease outbreaks.
    The effects of globalization on the American economy are complex, and there are both benefits and drawbacks for ordinary citizens.
    Because of globalization, people have become more understanding and tolerant of others who come from different cultures.
  • Q2
    To which logical conclusion does this pattern of evidence lead?
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    Acid rain must be decreased by at least 30% by 2025 to ensure that American forests are able to survive.
    Human activity is the primary cause of acid rain, which causes damage to both natural and man-made environments.
    Normal rain is actually slightly acidic because carbon dioxide dissolves into it, but acid rain is much more acidic.
    Buildings, statues, and tombstones can all be damaged by acid rain because the concrete is porous.
  • Q3
    Which evidence supports the student's claim?
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    Men tend to have deeper voices than women.
    In general, women use more direct eye contact than men do.
    Men are many times more likely to be color blind than women.
    Women enjoy speaking in large groups, whereas men prefer speaking one-on-one.
  • Q4
    Janice is trying to organize this information into paragraphs. What is the best way to organize the information?
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    Paragraph 1: Characteristics of Elephants Paragraph 2: Threats to Elephants Paragraph 3: Preserving the Population of Elephants
    Paragraph 1: Elephant Tusks Paragraph 2: Elephant Poaching Paragraph 3: Elephant Organizations
    Paragraph 1: Organizations That Protect Elephants Paragraph 2: Natural Habitats of Elephants Paragraph 3: Role of Mother Elephants
    Paragraph 1: Diets of Elephants Paragraph 2: Structures of Elephant Herds Paragraph 3: Regions Where Elephants Can Be Found
  • Q5
    Marcus has found information for his essay from multiple sources, and now he must decide in which paragraph each piece of information belongs. Choose a piece of information that he should put in Paragraph 3.
    Question Image
    Spina bifida seems to have a genetic link and can run in families.
    Spina bifida is a birth defect of the backbone and spinal cord.
    Taking folic acid during pregnancy reduces the risk of spina bifida.
    People with spina bifida have difficulties learning to walk.
  • Q6
    Which statement communicates a relevant finding based on the information the student gathers?
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    Lincoln’s honesty as a politician became an important example to future presidents.
    Lincoln faced greater challenges than any American president has ever had to face.
    Lincoln’s early life was unlike that of other presidents in that he was very poor.
    Lincoln rose from humble beginnings to become an important American president.
  • Q7
    The student has found additional information from different sources. Choose the piece of information that adds support to the claim in the student’s paragraph.
    Question Image
    Setting up free public Internet would be costly for taxpayers.
    Using public Internet puts people at risk for identity theft.
    Public Internet could make it easier for harmful computer viruses to spread.
    Cities could attract more tourists if they offered free public Internet.
  • Q8
    The student has found information from different sources. Which piece of information supports the claim in the paragraph?
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    Sushi is usually served with sides such as soy sauce, wasabi, and gari, which is sweet, pickled ginger root.
    Nutritionists advise avoiding the “spicy” versions of sushi rolls, which usually contain mayonnaise.
    Sauces are often used to mask the true taste of the sushi, especially when the fish is not fresh
    Nori, the seaweed often used to wrap sushi rolls, is high in key nutrients, such as vitamin A and iodine.
  • Q9
    Which introductory sentence best engages and orients the reader by introducing the narrator?
    The kids I go to school with think I’m hilarious, which is probably because I am.
    The gravel crunched under Jill’s sneakers, her pace quickening as she rounded the last bend.
    The leaves clapped in the spring breeze, applauding the grand finale of the harsh winter.
    The old barn was falling apart, but its decay lent the property a certain charm.
  • Q10
    Which source is most likely to agree with the claim?
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    a technology company that makes an educational application called EduCell
    a principal who writes a blog called Tech-Distracted Students
    an organization that shows teachers how to use technology in their classrooms
    a salesperson who sells cell phone plans designed for students

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