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Interest Groups and Social Movements Review

Quiz by Andrea Lyons

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20 questions
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  • Q1

    Frank is a representative for an interest group that favors the legalization of marijuana, and contacts Julia, who is a Senator in Congress, to discuss possible policies one-on-one. This is an example of

    grassroots lobbying


    direct lobbying


  • Q2

    A collection of people who share a common interest or attitude and seek to influence government for specific ends. They usually work within the framework of government, and try to achieve their goals through tactics such as lobbying.

    interest group

    demographic group

    political party


  • Q3

    Engaging in activities aimed at influencing public officials, especially legislators, and the policies they enact.

    going public



    class action lawsuit

  • Q4

    Which problem occurs when people fail to join a group because they can get the benefits the group offers without contributing to the group’s efforts?

    pluralist theory

    collective good

    potential group

    free rider

  • Q5

    What are selective benefits?

    benefits given only to group members

     gifts given to members of Congress in return for their support on legislation.

    campaign contributions to elected officials

    the policies that interest groups help to bring about

  • Q6

    One of the main ways that interest groups influence members of Congress is by 

    creating a commercial in support of the Congressman

    organizing a protest

    filing an amicus curiae brief

    providing expertise on a subject

  • Q7

    What is a way that interest groups can lobby the courts?

    donating PAC money to their campaign

    meet with judges to inform them about an issue

    bring class action lawsuits before the court

    writing newspaper editorials about the decision of the courts

  • Q8

    Pluralists believe

     politics is mainly a competition among groups, each one pressing for its own preferred policies.

    groups are so strong that government is weakened.

    In a political system in which all of most citizens participate directly by either holding office or making policy.

    hat societies are divided along class lines and that an upper-class elite will rule, regardless of the formal niceties of the governmental organization

  • Q9

    What is the role of the PAC in an interest group?

    write amicus curiae briefs

    recruit new members

    collect money to donate to candidates that share similar views and vow to help the interest group

    lobby Congress

  • Q10

    Single-issue groups can be 

    extreme in their views


    all of these things


  • Q11

    What are the parts of the Iron Triangle?

    President, Congress, Supreme Court

    Interest group, Senate majority leader, House majority leader

    Congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, interest groups 

    Congressional committees,  the Supreme Court, interest groups 

  • Q12

    What is a major difference between interest groups and political parties?

    Political parties are required to disclose their campaign finance activities, whereas interest groups are not.

    Political parties are more likely to focus on national politics, whereas interest groups focus on local politics.

    Political parties are prohibited from sponsoring campaign advertisements, and interest groups are not.

    Political parties represent broad arrays of issues, whereas interest groups are more likely to focus on narrow sets of issues.

  • Q13

    Which of the following is NOT part of an interest group



    actual member

    free rider

  • Q14

    Which of the following would have the largest potential group?

    National Educators Association

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

    American Association of Retired Persons

    National Rifle Association

  • Q15

    Citizens have the power to decide directly on policy and politicians are responsible for implementing those policy decisions.

    Pluralist theory

    Hyperpluralist theory

    Participatory theory

    Elite theory


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