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International Law Tutorial Quiz

Quiz by Justine Yap

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17 questions
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  • Q1
    Before the International Court of Justice may exercise its jurisdiction in any particular case, the case must first be referred to it, only states a party to the United Nations Charter may refer cases and no state can be subject to the ICJ's jurisdiction without its consent.
  • Q2
    What is the role of the UN Security Council in resolving international disputes
    All of the above
    Decide measures to be taken to restore international peace and security
    Make recommendations for measures to be taken to restore international peace and security
    Determine if threat to peace or act of aggression exists
  • Q3
    What are the three ways in which to ground the jurisdiction of the International Court of justice? Is it
    A compromise agreed between the parties, an arbitration clause in a treaty or overlapping jurisdiction of the international court of justice
    A compromis agreed between the parties, a compromissory clause in a treaty or overlapping declarations under an optional clause?
    A compromise agreed between the parties, a compromissory clause in a treaty or overlapping declarations under an option clause?
  • Q4
    Which article in the UN Charter discusses ICJ advisory jurisdiction
    Article 96
    Article 36
    Article 33
    Article 59
  • Q5
    What reservation did the USA and Nicaragua have attached to their declarations under article 36(2) ICJ Statute
    USA: The right to terminate on notice and Nicaragua: The right to terminate on 6 months notice
    USA: The right to terminate on 6 months notice and Nicaragua: The right to terminate on notice
    USA: The right to terminate on 12 months and Nicaragua: The right to terminate on 6 months notice
  • Q6
    What is mediation under international law?
    Involves third parties directed to assist disputing parties to reach settlement.
    Formal dispute settlement mechanism that results in a legally binding determination.
  • Q7
    What is arbitration under international law
    Submission to international courts such as ICJ for dispute settlement. Decisions only bind the States in the dispute, regarding the matters of the particular dispute.
    Formal dispute settlement mechanism that results in a legally binding determination.
  • Q8
    What is judicial settlement of disputes under international law
    Submission to international courts such as ICJ for dispute settlement. Decisions only bind the States in the dispute, regarding the matters of the particular dispute.
    Formal dispute settlement mechanism that results in a legally binding determination.
  • Q9
    If a claim before the ICJ affects the rights or obligations of a third state not present in the proceedings does this impact on the Court's jurisdiction?
    The court will choose to decline jurisdiction where the third party states' legal interests would be affected by a decision in all circumstances.
    The courts jurisdiction is absolute and it does not matter if the rights and obligations of a third party state not present would be affected.
    The court will most likely choose to decline jurisdiction where the third party states' legal interests would not only be affected by a decision but would form the very subject matter of the decision. But it is not obliged to do so where the legal position of a third party state is indirectly affected.
  • Q10
    What is the scope of the prohibition on the use of force in article 2 (4) of the UN Charter?
    All states shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or any in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations
    All states may refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or any in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations
    All states shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the sovereignty or political independence of any state or in any other manner inconsistent with the purpose of the ICJ statute.
  • Q11
    What are the exceptions to this prohibition?
    Threats and breaches to peace, acts of aggression
    Collective and individual self-defence, threats and breaches to peace, acts of aggression
    Individual self-defence, acts of aggression
    Collective self-defence, threats and breaches to peace, acts of aggression
  • Q12
    Before a state may exercise their right to self defence under article 51 of the UN Charter there must be an armed attack?
  • Q13
    There is an international law right to humanitarian intervention.
  • Q14
    What is the doctrine of responsibility to protect?
    International obligation from states to promote the use of force.
    Obligation of individual states and the international community to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
    International doctrine prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons.
    The promotion of the protection of a state’s nationals and to take up claims against other states.
  • Q15
    What are the components of the responsibility to protect
    Prevent, react, rebuild
    Protect, react, rebuild
    He protec, he also attac

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