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Intro to Sociology: Chapter 13

Quiz by Kari Limbert

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33 questions
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  • Q1
    A government's legitimate use of power.
  • Q2
    Members of a political community, having both rights and duties associated with that membership.
  • Q3
    Legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community.
    Civil rights
  • Q4
    The realm of activity that lies between the state and the market, including the family, schools, community associations, and noneconomic institutions. Civil society, or civic culture, is essential to vibrant democratic societies.
    Civil society
  • Q5
    Action undertaken in a relatively spontaneous way by a large number of people assembled together.
    Collective action
  • Q6
    Kings or queens who are largely figureheads. Real power rests in the hands of other political leaders.
    Constitutional monarchs
  • Q7
    A political system that allows the citizens to participate in political decision making or to elect representatives to government bodies.
  • Q8
    A theory of the limits of democracy, which holds that in large-scale societies democratic participation is necessarily limited to the regular election of political leaders.
    Democratic elitism
  • Q9
    A form of participatory democracy that allows citizens to vote directly on laws and policies.
    Direct democracy
  • Q10
    The arena within which social movements interact with established organizations, the ideas and outlook of the members of both often becoming modified as a result.
    Field of action
  • Q11
    The use of an understanding of history as a basis for trying to change history-that is, producing informed processes of social change.
  • Q12
    A group organized to pursue specific interests in the political arena, operating primarily by lobbying the members of legislative bodies.
    Interest group
  • Q13
    The failure of a political order to generate a sufficient level of commitment and involvement on the part of its citizens to be able to govern properly.
    Legitimation crisis
  • Q14
    Systems of democracy based on parliamentary institutions, coupled to the free-market system in the area of economic production.
    Liberal democracies
  • Q15
    The beliefs that communities that share a cultural identity should have political autonomy, even within smaller units of a nation-states.
    Local nationalisms

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