Introduction to AI
Quiz by Thushara Paul
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- Q1
Medical field will be revolutionized with AI as it can help automate tasks such as detecting cancerous moles in skin images or finding abnormalities in X-ray and MRI scans. Which of the following will be instrumental in bringing about change?
Computer vision
Natural Language Processing
Data processing
Neural Linguistic programme
30s - Q2
In Pokemon Go, thegame overlays game elements on top of real world images in real time. Which ofthe following makes it possible?
Speech Recognition
Voice recognition
Computer Vision
30s - Q3
AI requires many fields of knowledge to come together to make useful applications. Which of the following is a less critical field for Artificial intelligence among the below?
Computer Science
30s - Q4
When a device can read, decipher, understand, produce and make sense of the human languages in a manner that is valuable, the domain of AI it uses can be said to be.
Artificial neural network
Big Data
30s - Q5
What is the full formof NLP?
Natural Linguistic programme
Natural Languagevprogramme
NeuralvLanguage processing
Natural Language Processing.
30s - Q6
What is AI?
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