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IOA Anterior Muscles

Quiz by Randi Stanley

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17 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the insertion of the Pectoralis major?
    Radial tuberosity
    Proximal 1/3 of the humerus
    Ribs 1-6 and 1/3 of clavicle
  • Q2
    What is the insertion of the Biceps bracii?
    Radial tuberosity
    Superior Scapula and Coracoid Process
    Lateral epicondyle of the Humerus
    Palmar aponeurosis
  • Q3
    What is the origin of the Pectoralis major?
    Acromion and Superior Scapula
    Proximal 1/3 of the humerus
    Medial 1/3 of clavicle and Ribs 1-6
    Radial tuberosity
  • Q4
    What is the origin of the Biceps brachii?
    Medial epicondyle of the Humerus
    Medial 1/3 of clavicle and Ribs 1-6
    Radial tuberosity
    Coracoid Process and Supraglenoid tubercle (Superior scapula)
  • Q5
    What is the insertion of the Intercostals?
    Lateral Condyle of humerus
    Inferior Rib
    Superior Rib
  • Q6
    What is the insertion of the Tibialis anterior?
    Medial Condyle of the Tibia
    Lateral Condyle of Tibia
    Medial cuneiform of Tarsals
    Iliac Spine
  • Q7
    What is the insertion of the Rectus Femoris?
    Tibial tuberosity via the patella
    Lateral condyle of Tibia
    Medial condyle of Tibia
    Iliac Spine
  • Q8
    What is the origin of the Rectus femoris?
    Tibial tuberosity via the patella
    Lateral condyle of tibia
    Iliac Spine
    Medial cuneiform of tarsals
  • Q9
    What is the origin of the Tibialis anterior?
    Lateral condyle of the Tibia
    Medial condyle of the Tibia
    Medial epicondyle of the humerus
    Medial Cuneiform
  • Q10
    What is the origin of the Palmaris longus?
    Iliac Spine
    Palmar Aponeurosis
    Medial epicondyle of the humerus
    Lateral condyle of humerus
  • Q11
    What is the action of the Palmaris longus?
    Supinate the forearm
    Flex the neck and rotate the head
    Tense the palm and flex the wrist
    Flex the hip at the thigh, extend the knee
  • Q12
    What is the action of the Biceps brachii?
    Flex the wrist
    Supinate forearm, Flex forearm
    Elevate Ribcage
  • Q13
    What is the action of the Pectoralis Major?
    Tense Palm, Flex Wrist
    Flex the Forearm
    Shoulder Protraction, Arm Adduction, Medially Rotate the Shoulder
    Dorsiflex the Foot
  • Q14
    What is the action of the Intercostals?
    Elevate the Ribcage
    Elevate the Shoulders
    Dorsiflex the Foot
    Flex the Torso
  • Q15
    What is the action of the Tibialis Anterior
    Plantar Flexion
    Extend at the Knee
    Flex Thigh at the Hip

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