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ISP Cell Membrane 11.3

Quiz by CMullins

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the outermost layer of an animal cell called?
    Golgi layer
    cell membrane
    Ribo layer
    cell wall
  • Q2
    What are phospholipids?
    They use energy to carry big molecules across the cell membrane.
    They form a bi-layer that makes up the cell membrane.
    They are completely water-loving.
    They are proteins found in the cell membrane.
  • Q3
    The cell membrane is semi-permeable which means
    It functions best when in a water environment.
    It is very fluid so it sometimes leaks cell contents out.
    It allows certain molecules to enter the cell while keeping others out.
    It protects the cell by keeping all molecules out.
  • Q4
    Which of the following helps get large molecules into a cell and requires energy (ATP) to do so?
    Carrier protein
    Channel protein
    Cell membrane
  • Q5
    The phosphate heads of a phospholipid are hydrophilic which means
    They are made up of phosphate.
    They hate water.
    They love water.
    They are found everywhere.

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