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Issues leading to the Civil War (Pre Break Review)

Quiz by MrsAHeight

Grade 8
Social Studies
Georgia Standards of Excellence

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    What factor led to increased tensions concerning slavery in the United States?
    decreased demand for cotton in Great Britain
    the establishment of the Monroe Doctrine
    the struggles of the Northern economy
    continued westward expansion of the country
  • Q2
    The adoption of the Georgia Platform helped delay the Civil War by accepting the Compromise of 1850. What was one reason the state adopted the Georgia Platform?
    The state wanted federal troops to help force American Indians off of their traditional homelands in Georgia.
    The state supported the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act that banned northern states from protecting escaped slaves.
    The federal government promised to raise tariffs on European goods to protect Georgia's industrial economy.
    The federal government promised to limit immigration to help unemployed men and women in the South find work.
  • Q3
    The Georgia Platform was a statement supporting
    popular sovereignty.
    slavery throughout the united States.
    the Compromise of 1850.
    states’ rights.
  • Q4
    The section of the Compromise of 1850 that angered the North the MOST and may have actually fueled more tensions between the North and the South was regarding
    the allowance of slavery North of the 36/30 line.
    the support for Popular Sovereignty in the new territories.
    the continuation of slavery in Washington D.C.
    the new Fugitive Slave Law.
  • Q5
    What compromise resulted in the admission of California to the Union as a free state?
    Compromise of 1850
    Great Compromise
    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Missouri Compromise
  • Q6
    Which issue played the GREATEST role in dividing the North and South in the years leading up to the Civil War?
    War with Mexico
    Indian Removal
    Foreign Trade

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