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Jefferson Unit Common Assessment

Quiz by Sara Leigh-Manuell

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27 questions
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  • Q1
    What happened in the Election of 1800?
    There was a tie, and the House of Representatives had to decide the winner.
    There was a tie, and the Senate had to decide the winner.
    Aaron Burr and Jefferson both lost the election.
    There was a tie, and the House of Burgesses had to decide the winner.
  • Q2
    What was a major foreign conflict that happened when Madison was president?
    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The War of 1818
    The War of 1812
    The American Revolution
  • Q3
    What was the main idea of the Monroe Doctrine?
    It secured America from further European colonization
    It kept South America open to immigration
    It kept Australia safe from foreign invasion
    It secured Africa from further European colonization
  • Q4
    What was an important treaty to solve a border disagreement when Monroe was president?
    Louisiana Purchase
    The Adams-Onis Treaty
    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of Versailles
  • Q5
    How did the election of 180 set a precedent for a peaceful transition of power?
    John Adams peacefully stepped down after losing to Thomas Jefferson
    George Washington peacefully stepped down after becoming king
    The election did not change political parties so it was peaceful
    Alexander Hamilton peacefully led the Federalist Party
  • Q6
    How did the Louisiana Purchase strengthen our government?
    The president could now purchase land from foreign countries
    The president could not purchase any land from anyone
    Spain became an important US ally
    Indians became US allies
  • Q7
    How did the court case Marbury v Madison strengthen our government?
    The Supreme Court supported the National Bank and set one up in each state
    Madison could no longer give Marbury a job as a judge
    The Supreme Court could determine if laws were constitutional or not
    Marbury and Madison worked together in the Supreme Court
  • Q8
    How did Madison help our country in the War of 1812?
    He commanded troops to fight the Spanish.
    He continued to lead our country even after the British burned down our capital.
    He supported all the Supreme Court cases.
    He purchased the Louisiana Territory from the British
  • Q9
    How did the court case McCulloch v Maryland make our government stronger?
    It defended the US from a Mexican invasion
    It showed the states are much stronger than the federal government.
    It showed that the states are weaker than the federal government.
    It supported all national income taxes
  • Q10
    Monroe helped make our government stronger by doing what?
    Declaring that western Europe was now allowed to colonize in our country
    enforcing impressment laws to stop kidnapping
    defending the US from Mexico
    Declaring that the western hemisphere was under US protection
  • Q11
    What did the US gain with the Louisiana Purchase?
    The Missouri River and New Hampshire
    all of south Texas
    The Mississippi River and New Orleans
    farmland in Indiana
  • Q12
    How did we gain the Louisiana Territory?
    Jefferson bought if from Napolean, the leader of France
    Jefferson sold it to France
    Jefferson bought it from Spain
    Jefferson bought it from Italy
  • Q13
    Why was the Mississippi River so important?
    It allowed for easy transportation of goods and people
    It allowed for direct access to the Rocky Mountains
    It was great for fishing with Mexico
    It allowed for easy transportation of cheese from France
  • Q14
    What river did Lewis and Clark follow?
    Mohawk River
    Mississippi River
    Ohio River
    Missouri River
  • Q15
    What did Lewis and Clark do for Americans?
    They helped people learn geography that they would encounter if they moved west
    Their maps did not help travelers at all
    They discovered a journey south to Mexico

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