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Quiz by Jayvee Resurreccion

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8 questions
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  • Q1
    What is a coronavirus?
    A virus that can multiply itself through the body of a human
    A virus that causes respiratory illness to the people
    A virus that is considered deadly
  • Q2
    What is a novel corona virus?
    A virus that can be pass through droplets of sneezing
    A virus that contain deadly fluid
    It is a new corona virus strain that has not been previously found in the people
  • Q3
    Where the 2019 NCoV identified?
    Tiam, China
    Wuhan, China
    Huan, China
  • Q4
    How soon after exposure do symptoms occur?
    Two to Fourteen days
    Two to Ten days
    Two to Sixteen days
  • Q5
    What is the treatment for coronavirus?
    There is no cure for the virus
    Tuberculosis medicines can be used to the coronavirus
    There is no specific treatment for coronavirus infections
  • Q6
    SARS means?
    Severe Acute Respirator Syndrome
    Severe Acute Respiratory System
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  • Q7
    MERS means?
    Mid Earl Respiratory Syndrome
    Mild Early Respiratory Syndrome
    Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
  • Q8
    NCOV ARD means?
    Noon Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome
    Noble Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome
    Novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Syndrome

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