Journey to the West 84: The Sad King (단어)
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39 questions
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- Q1불평하다, 투덜거리다, (2. 신음하다)Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q2주홍색의Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q3왕국Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q4줄을 세우다, 늘어서다, (2. 선, 줄)Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q5많은 사람들 무리Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q6표시, 표지판, (2. 징조, 조짐, 3. 신호, 손짓)Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q7(도움 등을) 청하다, 구하다, (2. (발견하려고) 찾다, 3. (원하는 것을) 추구하다, 얻으려고 애쓰다 )Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q8쳐부수다, 패배시키다, (2. 패배)Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q9보고하다, 2. (신문 등의) 보도, 기사, 3. 보고서, 리포트 (학생의 과제물))Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q10왕의, 왕실의Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q11늦추다, 지체시키다Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q12정통한 사람, 숙련자, 2. (개, 하인 등의) 주인Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q13대문, 정문Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q14궁정, 왕실, (2. 법정, 법원, 3. (테니스 등의) 경기장)Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s
- Q15왕좌, 왕위Users re-arrange answers into correct orderJumble30s