Keylinks C2 un5b l2
Quiz by Foreign Language School Mylona
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29 questions
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- Q1care taken to avoid danger or mistakescaution30s
- Q2oceans and sea water with salt; largest biomesaltwater30s
- Q3wanderroam30s
- Q4poisonousvenomous30s
- Q51. (of an insect or plant) to touch your skin or make a very small hole in it so that you feel a sharp painsting30s
- Q6A consumer that eats only animals.carnivore30s
- Q7relating to wateraquatic30s
- Q8poisonvenom30s
- Q9Unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflict between the id and the superego.defence mechanism30s
- Q10extremelyexceedingly30s
- Q11(adj.) easily taught, led, or managed; obedientdocile30s
- Q12active at nightnocturnal30s
- Q13group of dogspack30s
- Q14try to achieve sthgo after sth30s
- Q15the ability to seein sight30s