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Kind of Sentences

Quiz by Sarah Alzaga

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10 questions
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  • Q1

    1. Which sentence below is the example of a declarative sentence?

    I am studying at Malanday Elementary School.

    �Who is your teacher?

    �I am very grateful for all your help!

  • Q2

    2. Which is an example of an exclamatory sentence?

    She is a girl.

    What are you doing?

    Ouch! I slip on a wet floor.

  • Q3

    3.� Please bring my bag inside the room. This is a/an� _________________sentence.




  • Q4

    4.� What is an interrogative sentence?

    It expresses a strong feeling.

    It asks about something.

    It makes� a simple command or request.

  • Q5

    5. What is an exclamatory sentence?

    It expresses a strong feeling.

    It tells something.

    It makes a simple command or request.

  • Q6

    6. A declarative sentence ends with what punctuation mark?

    question mark (?)

    period (.)

    exclamation point (!)

  • Q7

    7.� Which sentence below is� an example of an� interrogative sentence?

    Why are you crying?

    Help! The house is burning.

    I will be a teacher someday.

  • Q8

    8. An interrogative sentence ends with what punctuation mark?

    ? (question mark)

    ! (exclamation point)

    . ( period)

  • Q9

    9. An exclamatory� sentence uses� what� kind of punctuation mark?

    period (.)

    exlclamation point (!)

    question mark (?)

  • Q10

    10. Which of the following is an example of a sentence?

    on the mat

    the fat cat

    The fat cat sat on the mat.


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