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Knee, Ankle and other Joints of the Lower Extremity

Quiz by OASIS

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    A collegiate soccer player is complaining of pain in the front of their knee when they walk up or down stairs, squat, and sit for long periods of time. MRI results indicate cartilage damage under the patella. What condition does this patient most likely have?
    Avulsion fracture of the hip
    Plica syndrome
    Patella femoral pain syndrome
    Chondromalacia patellae
  • Q2
    Which of the following is not a boundary of the popliteal fossa?
    Biceps femoris (superolaterally)
    Medial head of gastrocnemius (inferomedially)
    Popliteal fascia posteriorly (roof)
    Posterior subcutaneous fat (floor)
  • Q3
    Which of the following muscles is least likely to be affected by a laceration of the popliteal artery?
    Tibialis anterior
  • Q4
    While measuring a female patient’s Q-angle (in extension) your results are greater than 25 degrees. Which condition does your patient have?
    Genu varum
    Genu valgum
    Cubital varus
    Cubital valgus
  • Q5
    A female patient with a slight above average Q-angle is complaining of patellafemoral pain. Upon inspection you notice the patellafemoral tracking pulls laterally. Which of the following is a concern about this condition?
    Patellar tendon tear
    Synovial effusion
    ACL rupture
    Paterllar dislocation
  • Q6
    An athlete has a knee injury, and the doctor performs a "drawer test" by pulling and pushing on the leg with the knee flexed. If the leg translates anteriorly when the leg is pulled anteriorly, what joint structure is most likely injured?
    Medial meniscus
  • Q7
    One of the menisci of the knee is often injured in a sprain of the knee because the:
    Lateral (fibular) collateral ligament is attached to the lateral meniscus
    Anterior cruciate ligament is attached to the lateral meniscus
    Anterior cruciate ligament is attached to the medial meniscus
    Medial (tibial) collateral ligament is attached to the medial meniscus

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