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L1U1 - Sorting Cases of Nouns (Nom, Acc, Abl)

Quiz by Robynn Hecht

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28 questions
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  • Q1

    What job does the NOMINATIVE case have in a sentence?

    It gets put AFTER the verb in the sentence. It is the direct object. The action of the sentence is done to it. It can follow some prepositions (like ante, prope, per)

    Example: The fish saw THE BEAR in the river.

    It gets put BEFORE the verb of the sentence. It is the subject.  This noun DOES the action of the sentence OR it is what the sentence is ABOUT.

    Example: THE FISH saw the bear in the river.

    It gets used mainly in prepositional phrases. Translates alone as by/with/in/from. Comes after prepositions like sub, sine, cum.

    Example: The fish saw the bear IN THE RIVER.

  • Q2

    What job does the ABLATIVE case have in a sentence?

    It gets put BEFORE the verb of the sentence. It is the subject.  This noun DOES the action of the sentence OR it is what the sentence is ABOUT.

    Example: THE FISH saw the bear in the river.

    It gets used mainly in prepositional phrases. Translates alone as by/with/in/from. Comes after prepositions like sub, sine, cum.

    Example: The fish saw the bear IN THE RIVER.

    It gets used mainly in prepositional phrases. Translates alone as by/with/in/from. Comes after prepositions like sub, sine, cum.

    Example: The fish saw the bear IN THE RIVER.

    It gets put AFTER the verb in the sentence. It is the direct object. The action of the sentence is done to it. It can follow some prepositions (like ante, prope, per)

    Example: The fish saw THE BEAR in the river.

  • Q3

    What job does the ACCUSATIVE case have in a sentence?

    Example: The fish saw THE BEAR in the river.

    It gets put BEFORE the verb of the sentence. It is the subject.  This noun DOES the action of the sentence OR it is what the sentence is ABOUT.

    Example: THE FISH saw the bear in the river.

    It gets used mainly in prepositional phrases. Translates alone as by/with/in/from. Comes after prepositions like sub, sine, cum.

    Example: The fish saw the bear IN THE RIVER.

    It gets put AFTER the verb in the sentence. It is the direct object. The action of the sentence is done to it. It can follow some prepositions (like ante, prope, per)

    Example: The fish saw THE BEAR in the river.

  • Q4
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q5
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q6
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q7
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
    Users sort answers between categories
  • Q8
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q9
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q10
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q11
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q12
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q13
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q14
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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  • Q15
    Sort the nouns into their proper case. There may be more than one noun in each case.
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