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Lab safety

Quiz by Claire Safwan

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the name of equipment A?
    Question Image
    Fume hood
    Safety shower
    Eye wash station
  • Q2
    What is the name of equipment B?
    Question Image
    First aid kit
    Hospital bag
    Filing cabinet
    Fire blanket
  • Q3
    What is the use of a fire blanket?
    To extinguish small fires
    To extinguish all fires
    To wipe up a spill
    To keep warm
  • Q4
    Goggles should be warn....
    when doing dangerous experiments only
    when fumes are present only
    All the time during lab
    When working with solutions and liquids only
  • Q5
    What should be done if a chemical gets in the eye?
    Wait until you go home and see a doctor
    Nothing unless the eye is painful or irritated
    Use a paper towel to wipe it out
    Notify the teacher and use the eyewash station
  • Q6
    What can be used immediately if your lab coat catches fire?
    Eyewash fountain
    Laboratory sinks
    Safety shower
    Fire extinguisher
  • Q7
    First aid kits are available in the lab...
    To extinguish fire
    to clean laboratory glassware
    for minor injuries like cuts or scrapes
    for an eye injury or chemical splash
  • Q8
    Broken glassware left around a lab is a safety hazard because
    if on the floor, someone might step on it and cut their foot
    if on a lab bench, someone might lean on it an cut themselves
    All of the above
    if in the sink, someone might pick it up and cut themselves
  • Q9
    If you spill a chemical on yourself, you should
    wash immediately with water and inform the teacher
    do nothing unless you feel a burn or irritation
    rinse with a neutralising solution
    ask your teacher what to do
  • Q10
    If glassware is broken,
    notify the teacher immediately
    put it up on the counter so the teacher can dispose of it
    do not do anything, keep working
    throw it away from you

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