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Last Minute Risk Assessment

Quiz by Joyce Aurik

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    Why is it important to conduct a last minute risk assessment?
    To increase the complexity of the task
    To identify and mitigate any unforeseen hazards or risks
    To test your knowledge on risk assessment
    To delay the task and waste time
  • Q2
    During a last minute risk assessment, what should you consider when evaluating the severity of a hazard?
    The potential harm or consequences if the hazard occurs
    The time it will take to address the hazard
    The likelihood of the hazard occurring
    The cost of addressing the hazard
  • Q3
    What is the purpose of documenting the findings of a last minute risk assessment?
    To ignore the hazards and proceed with the task
    To maintain a record of identified hazards and actions taken to control them
    To make the task more complicated
    To show off your risk assessment skills
  • Q4
    What should you do if you encounter a new task or situation that you are unsure how to assess from a risk perspective?
    Guess the risks and proceed with the task
    Avoid the task altogether
    Conduct a last minute risk assessment without guidance
    Seek guidance from a supervisor or safety professional
  • Q5
    When should a last minute risk assessment be conducted?
    During the middle of a task or activity
    After completing a task or activity
    Before starting a new task or activity

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