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17 questions
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  • Q1

    What is a theme of the passage? = You must answer which question 

    What is the main/central idea of the text

    What is the point of view of the text

    What is the author's purpose of the text

    What is the life lesson of the story

  • Q2

    Which detail best supports the answer to Part A ?


    Find the right answer that is the evidence for your PART A answer

    Context Clues

    Re-answer your Part A 

  • Q3

    What is the main way paragraph 7 contributes to the passage? =

    go back and  just re-read each answer choice


    Re-read paragraph 7 and look at each answer choice  to decide which answer choice proves how paragraph 7 helps you understand the entire store.

    just re-read the story

  • Q4

    Which statement represents a difference between the narrator and Ramo? =

    The narrator and Ramo


    Look at each answer choice to find the answer that shows the difference between the person who told the story and Ramo the character in the story

    Look at each answer choice and compare 

  • Q5

    Write a story from Ramo’s point of view that describes what he is doing and thinking as the ship comes closer to the island.

    Just pretend you a Ramo

    Describe what he is doing 

    Describe what he is doing and thinking as the ship comes closer to the island

    Pretend you a Ramo and write a story that describes what you are doing and thinking as the ship comes closer to the island 

  • Q6

    How would you answer this type of question?

    In paragraphs 5–10 of “The Precious Jewel,” what is the main difference between the man and the merchant? =

    look at the man and the merchant 

    Go back to paragraphs 5-10 of the story and look for the correct answer that shows the difference between the man  and the merchant in those paragraphs 

    just go look at the main difference 

    just go back to paragraph 5-10

  • Q7

    How would you answer the question below?

    Part A In paragraph 3 of the passage from “A Tale of Three Brothers,” what does the “foul, smelly water” represent?

    go back to paragraph 3

    context clues

    read for clues

    You need to got to Paragraph 3 and find the sentence that uses "foul smelly water" and look for clues then look at each answer choice to see which answer is the phrase for "foul smelly water"

  • Q8

    How would you answer the question below?

    How does the illustration best contribute to the meaning of the passage from “A Tale of Three Brothers”?


    Look at the picture/drawings and determine how it helps you understand the stories 

    look at the pictures

    understand the stories

  • Q9

    How would you answer the question below?

    Part A Which set of sentences provides the best summary of the passage from“A Tale of Three Brothers”?

    summary = short version of the important information 

    look at each sentence


    Look at each answer choice of A, B, C, D, and find the best summary of the stories 

  • Q10

    Part A How is a shared theme developed in both “The Precious Jewel” and the passage from “A Tale of Three Brothers”?

    life lesson 

    developed = created


    You must look at each answer choice to see how the LIFE LESSON is created in BOTH stories 

  • Q11

    How would you answer the question below? 

    "Part B Which two details support the answer to Part A ? Select one detail from each story."

    part b

    just choose two answers


    Select one answer that is evidence from the 1st story and one answer that is evidence from the 2nd story

  • Q12

    How will you answer the question below?

    "Part A How does Alex’s point of view affect how science is described? "=

    Alex feelings about science

    Look at EACH answer choice to see which answer shows how Alex's feelings change/impact how science is described 

    point of view = feelings/opinion

    how science is described 

  • Q13

    How would you answer the question below?

    "Based on the information in the passage, what is the difference between the events recorded in Alex’s first journal and his second?"

    Look at EACH answer choice to find the answer that shows the DIFFERENCE between the ACTION Alex wrote in his first journal and in his second. You are looking for the answer that shows how the action CONTRAST from journal 1 and journal 2


    the DIFFERENCE between the ACTION Alex wrote in his first journal and in his second

    Look at EACH answer choice 

  • Q14

    How would you answer the question below?

    Part A Which pair of sentences represents main ideas of the passage from“Bowhead Whales with Talent!”?

    from "Bowhead Whales with Talent" is the name of the story the question came from 

    main idea = the important information from the story

    You must find 2 SENTENCES that show the IMPORTANT INFORMATION from the story

    represents = shows

  • Q15

    How would you answer the question below?

    "Part A What does the phrase according to instinct mean as it is used in paragraph 9 of the passage from Humpback Whales?

     read in front of and behind the phrase

    Go back to the passage and read in front of and behind the phrase "according to instinct" then look at EACH answer choice to find the answer choice that shows the meaning of the phrase "according to instinct .

    Go back to the passage 

    look at EACH answer choice


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