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Learning Pre-Assessment

Quiz by Eric

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Extinction occurs when a ________ is no longer paired with a ________.
    CS; US
    US; UR
    CS; UR
  • Q2
    After he was spanked on several occasions for spilling his milk at a restaurant, Colin began to experience a fear of the restaurant. In this case, spanking was a(n) ________ for Colin's fear.
    secondary stimulus
    generalized response
    conditioned stimulus
    unconditioned stimulus
  • Q3
    A person adhering to the cognitive perspective would be likely to emphasize that classical conditioning depends on:
    the amount of time between the presentation of the CS and the US.
    how strict of a punishment that is received.
    an organism's expectation that a US will follow a CS.
    how frequently an organism is exposed to an association of a CS and a US.
  • Q4
    John Garcia showed that when rats ingested a novel substance before becoming nauseated from radiation or drugs, they acquired a
    conditioned taste preference for the substance
    conditioned taste aversion for the substance
    conditioned taste aversion for any novel substance
    conditioned taste preference for any novel substance
  • Q5
    In Pavlov's experiments, the dog's salivation triggered by the sound of the tone was a(n):
    unconditioned response.
    conditioned response.
    conditioned stimulus.
    unconditioned stimulus.
  • Q6
    A response is learned most rapidly and is most resistant to extinction if it is acquired under conditions of:
    secondary reinforcement followed by primary reinforcement.
    the influence of a mind-altering substance.
    continuous reinforcement followed by partial reinforcement.
    partial reinforcement followed by continuous reinforcement.
  • Q7
    Receiving delicious food is to escaping electric shock as ________ is to ________.
    positive reinforcer; negative reinforcer
    reinforcement; punishment
    punishment; reinforcement
    primary reinforcer; secondary reinforcer
  • Q8
    You would be most likely to use operant conditioning to teach a dog to:
    drool when it smells food.
    dislike the taste of dead birds.
    retrieve sticks and balls.
    fear cars in the street.
  • Q9
    Operant conditioning and classical conditioning differ in several ways. For example, in classical conditioning, extinction is the diminishing of a CR when a UCS does not follow a CS; in operant conditioning, extinction means:
    a response that is no longer reinforced occurs only once in a while.
    reinforcement is intermittent and so responding is less frequent.
    when punishment no longer occurs.
    a response that is no longer reinforced is eliminated.
  • Q10
    The use of physical punishment may:
    Lead to the suppression but not the forgetting of undesirable behavior
    lead people to fear and avoid the punishing agent
    Do all of these
    demonstrate that aggression is a way of coping with problems

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