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Lee et al Evaluation

Quiz by Amie Harris

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15 questions
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  • Q1
    Why can Lee et al be seen as a quasi-experiment
    Because ethnicity and age was classed as one of the IV's
    Because all of the IV's could not be manipulated by the researchers
    Because it was carried out in a natural environment
  • Q2
    One strength of carrying out cross-cultural research in Lee et al is
    It makes research more ethnocentric into lying
    It helps to increase reliability as the same measures is repeated with lots of people from different cultures
    It can increase the representativeness of the sample and identify whether lying behaviours are seen in all people, or just seen in specific cultures
  • Q3
    One weakness of carrying out cross-cultural research in Lee et al is
    The research is unable to determine cause and effect between culture and morals
    The research lacks generalisability on the effect of culture and morals
    The researcher may assume that the materials and tasks are understood and interpreted in the same way by all cultures when they may not be
  • Q4
    What is ethnocentric bias?
    Being racist
    A tendency to perceive and interpret the world from your own cultural group, such as your ethnic group, national group and so on
    Studying lots of different cultures
  • Q5
    Lee et al also used cross-sectional research. A strength of this is
    It increases the validity of the development of morals
    It enables collection of quantitative data on the development of morals
    It enables development of morals to be assessed in a short amount of time
  • Q6
    A strength of Lee et al collecting both quantitative data from the rating scales and qualitative data by interviewing children's reasons for their answer was that they were able to draw valid conclusions on a difference between cultures morals and the reasons why
  • Q7
    In Lee et al's paper he explicitly thanks the participating children, parents and their schools for their cooperation and support. What ethic has been put in place here?
    Right to withdraw
    Informed consent
    Avoiding harm
  • Q8
    Children may have felt uncomfortable being interviewed alone with a strange adult in the Lee et al study
  • Q9
    In Lee et al each child experienced four social or four physical stories. This helps to make the study more reliable than if it was just one story as it meant that the data collected from each of the four stories reflected a consistent viewpoint across the different scenarios.
  • Q10
    What was a strength of the sample in Lee et al?
    The sample was large and therefore increased the reliability of the procedure
    It was large, covered a range of ages, cultures and genders and therefore is more generalisable
    The sample were all from rural areas and therefore findings can be generalised to rural areas
  • Q11
    Lee et al avoids the weaknesses of ethnocentrism completely
  • Q12
    How did Lee et al try to reduce ethnocentric bias when developing his rating scale
    He used symbols and numbers
    He used symbols and words
  • Q13
    How did Lee et al's task lack ecological validity?
    Judging a character behaviour in the form of a story is quite different to forming moral judgments in real life
    The study was carried out in schools
    The stories about behaviour were made up
  • Q14
    Lee et al often randomly allocated his conditions. Why did he do this?
    To increase reliability
    To reduce the chance of researcher bias
  • Q15
    Lee et al was considered reliable. Select the standardised procedure that is a lie.
    The same teacher was used to read out the stories to each child
    The stories provided were the same for each child
    The seven point rating scale was used for every child
    The instructions and questions were standardised for each child

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